Post date: Mar 23, 2013 9:04:49 PM
River Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
Thursday October 4, 2007
6:30 PM @ Premier Pizza, River Oaks
Present: Jean, Mike, Laura, Erik, Jim, and guest Michelle Beasley representing the GreenBelt Alliance as South Bay Coordinator
Michelle introduced Greenbelt Alliance, its goals and interests, and commented a little about the situation in North San Jose. Greenbelt Alliance is an environmental organization focused on land use issues. They are interested in using infill development to build strong urban communities with a high quality of life. Michelle was concerned that not enough planning and funds were available for traffic issues, especially with regards to public transit improvments and the accounting for expenditures. She also mentioned a few websites for reference on urban design: Project for Public Spaces and Great Communities Collaborative. Michelle offered the Greenbelt Alliance as a resource also for anyone wanting to improve North San Jose.
Discussed our entry form responses for the 2007 Elizabeth Anabo BRICC Award(Building Resourceful Inspriational Creative Communities)
Jim mentioned that we should work on getting pedestrian safety measures (crosswalks, stop signs) installed on River Oaks during this lull between projects