Vision & Goals

RCHC Vision

There are three things we as RCHC value and hope to continuously develop: our physical environment, our social environment, and our relationship with the outside community.

  • We hope to develop our physical space by maintaining our facilities and by instilling a sense of ownership among our residents.
  • We would like RCHC to be “home-like” with a social environment that encourages involvement, where members interact with mutual respect, goodwill, acceptance, trust and support.
  • We hope to be an asset to the community through concern for the environment, education, and the support of community endeavors.

RCHC Goals

  • Within our physical sphere, we commit ourselves to:
    • Save rent through owning and managing our own homes
    • Keeping our houses clean and functional
    • Taking responsibility for the financial well-being of the collective
    • Continue to make improvements on all our houses
  • Within our social atmosphere, we commit ourselves to:
    • Questioning our definitions of “diversity” and seeking to be diverse and non-discriminatory with regards to race, sex, age, sexual orientation, physical ability, perspective, religion and creed
    • Incorporating individual voices within the whole
    • Offering a community in which to share individual talents and gain practical skills
    • Taking initiative in solving interpersonal conflicts with mutual respect
    • Provide social and educational events
    • Cooking from scratch while meeting the dietary needs of all members
    • Sharing household chores with an equal division of labor
  • Within the greater community, we commit ourselves to:
    • Participating in the intentional community network
    • Low impact living through recycling, composting, conservation and the reduction of waste
    • Participating in community outreach and service
    • Facilitate community-wide social and educational events
    • Expanding the collective to include more people and homes
    • Purchase local and organic food