2. Stats and Tests

Most of the new stats range form 1 - 20. Some attributes may be higher and there is also no rule as to where to stop increasing a skill. But there are other new rules.

Skill tests

First of all, all skill tests are done with 2d10. I thought about using a d20 but since I decreased the skill rating and therefor loose the d100 I thought it might be a good idea (honoring the original rules) to still use two ten-sided dice, only in another fashion. And I don't want anyone to confuse my approach with D&D/D20 rules.

Using the 2d10 you still need to roll beneath the character stat, sometimes modified by circumstances. Something special about choosing 2d10 in this regard is that you are more likely to get something in the middle (like an 11) at a single roll than getting something on the extreme ends of the probability (like 2 or 20) so you are more likely to feel the odds of getting something done or not.

Attribute tests

Attribute tests are done in the same way and yet they differ a bit. You are required to make a 2d10+ roll. This means, that you are rolling 3d10 but use only the two highest numbers for a roll total. So the chances of success are less than with a normal 2d10 roll. This somewhat reflects the amateur nature of the roll and it also relativizes the alternate saving throws which are done by attribute tests now.

Skills and specializations

Skills come in two varieties: The base skills (like combat or wilderness) and the specializations (like energy rifles and hunting). Each of these have a separate rating or level that are added to a skill total when you make a skill roll. If you have the combat skill at a level of 6 and the energy rifles at level 6 you have a skill total of 12.

Pushing tests

There is a new rule that was not part of the original ruleset in this or any other way. If a skill roll is very important you may spent a single experience point to get an extra chance of succeeding - I call this pushing a roll or a test. You are allowed to roll another d10 (so it is 3d10 in total) and choose from the two lowest numbers rolled. This is a 2d10- roll.

You can also push an attribute test. Since you already roll a 2d10+ you are not required to add another d10 (and pick... what numbers?) but instead you can make a normal 2d10 roll.

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