3. Alternate Attributes

Don't get confused: There are no new but still the same eight attributes. But they have changed slightly. You can use the attributes to make simple attribute rolls or amateur skill rolls. All these are done by rolling 3d10 and choosing the two highest numbers for a total.

What has changed is that all attributes that originally granted bonuses to saving throws are now the stats for the saving throw itself. So you are required to make an attribute roll to save. Other things regarding the attribute bonus chart have changed as well.

Intelligence Quotient

Since there is no percentage skill system the one time bonus to skills changed accordingly. Subtract 15 from the I.Q. rating and divide this number by 5 (round up). This is the one time bonus to all skills now. So at rating 16 to 20 it is +1, at 21 to 25 it is +2 and so forth.

The I.Q. attribute is also used when making perception tests, these are a simple 2d10 attribute rolls (modified by circumstances) and for doing saving throws against illusions.

Mental Endurance

The alternate usage of the M.E. attribute uses it directly as the mental saving throw stat (against psychic and insanity). So instead of a separate saving throw bonus you make an attribute roll to save.

Mental Affinity

The original rules grant a simple social skill to those having a high M.A. Instead of using this skill the alternate rules just use the M.A. in the same way as an attribute roll.

Physical Strength

This attribute incorporates the most drastic changes in the alternate rules system. Instead of having a different set of lifting and melee damage rules for augmented, robots and supernaturals I skipped this scaling and raised the attribute rating, mostly using the original rules.

I tried different approaches here and currently use the idea, that an augmented character starts with a P.S. of 100 or so at character creation. I changed the combat and damaging system a bit so this fits my approach best. But it raised the amount of what an augmented character may lift from 20 x 20 or 20 x 30 (the second number being the original P.S. stat) to 10 x 100. I can live with that.

Robots are much stronger so they start with a P.S. rating of 200 and higher (e.g. giant robots) and supernaturals start with 400 or higher.

Simply speaking, to convert original rules P.S. to alternate rules P.S. you...

  • ... multiply the P.S. rating by 5 for an augmented character,

  • ... multiply the P.S. rating by 10 for a Robot and...

  • ... multiply the P.S. rating by 20 for a Supernatural Being.

Regarding the alternate combat rules there is no damage bonus to P.S. anymore. Instead the base melee damage is a number of S.D.C™. equal to P.S. divided by 10 (round down). At P.S. 200 or higher the damage is a number of M.D.C. equal to P.S. divided by 200 (round down).

Physical Prowess

This attribute hasn't changed much. It still grants the combat bonus at a rating of 16 or higher. Now this bonus is assigned to the combat skill and all weapons specializations (and dodge).

Physical Endurance

This is the rating for saving throws against most magic and for physical issues (like coma and death).

Physical Beauty

As with M.A. the attribute is used now instead of a bonus charm skill for similar tests.


This hasn't changed at all.

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