Work Experiences

  • Virginia Tech
    • Graduate Research Assistant (Aug 2018 - Present)
      • I am working with Dr. Clifford A. Shaffer (Prof. at Virginia Tech) on analysing students' usage behavior to distinguish good debugging practice from bad. Furthermore, I am creating an educational tool in the form of an intervention that will suggest students better approaches to solving projects based on their coding/debugging behavior.
    • Graduate Teaching Assistant (Aug 2017 – Aug 2018)
      • I worked as a TA for 3 semesters (Fall '17, Spring '18, Summer II '18). I taught students in the senior level CS course Comparative Languages (CS 3304).
  • Optimal Satcom, Inc.
    • Junior Software Engineer (May 2019 - Aug 2019)
      • As a part of the Advanced Analytics Team (AAT), I helped develop the NEURON system that is a dashboard for analyzing and visualizing for satellite networks. I worked on both front end and back end of the NEURON system. I helped improving the dashboard from eye-tracking experiment result and following state-of-the-art rules of creating better dashboards.
      • I implemented pages to display aggregated records such as hourly, daily, monthly, yearly, etc. with appropriate charts which is a major part of the Link-Budget Tool process. I have used services such as DevExtreme and Leaflet that makes the whole user experience very smooth and intuitive.
      • I helped designing the database by creating table, schema, etc. I have automated several of the back end application by implementing numerous stored procedures that updates tables on scheduled jobs. This reduces the need of manual intervention at all time.
      • I have also proposed and analyzed Partitioning in the Database for handling historical data effectively. As a result, I was given the opportunity of presenting Partitioning in front of the whole company. The video of the presentation can be found below.
      • Finally, as a side project, I implemented automatic analysis of Delta flight data from the FlightAware site. As a return, it allowed Optimal Satcom, Inc. company to use flight records and services from FlightAware site for free.
  • University Libraries, Virginia Tech
    • Web Development Engineer (May 2018 - Aug 2018)
      • I worked at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech as a part-time web development engineer in the summer. I developed a series of automated Python scripts for exacting and updating Dublin Core & COinS metadata in the VT scholar eJournals. Additionally, I modified the DSpace template of the current VT library website.
  • REVE Systems
    • Software Engineer (Dec 2016 - May 2017)
      • I worked as a full-time Software Engineer at REVE Systems. I developed and provided support for the online customer engagement software REVE Chat. I designed and implemented the new and modified version of REVE Chat Database System. Furthermore, I successfully migrated the data from the older version of the Database to the newer version.
  • Mir Technologies Ltd.
    • Software Engineer (Oct 2015 - Oct 2016)
      • I worked as a full-time Software Engineer at the Mir Technology Ltd. I developed an automated system for creating and storing daily reports of the POS agents' activities. I designed and developed a mobile attendance checking system for the company field agents. Additionally, I provided support for feature updates of the company's several existing projects.
  • EuroBanglaIT BD Ltd.
    • Junior Software Engineer (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014)
      • I worked as a part-time software engineer at EuroBanglaIT BD Ltd. During this time, I developed an Android application to synchronise POS records of the company ERP system.