
  • Digital Education Lab, Virginia Tech
    • Graduate Research Assistant (Aug 2018 - Present)
      • I am working with Dr. Clifford A. Shaffer (Prof. at Virginia Tech) on creating an educational tool in the form of an intervention that will suggest students better approaches of solving projects based on their coding/debugging behavior.
      • Additionally, I am analysing students’ usage behavior to distinguish good debugging practice from bad.
Analyzing Student Debugging Practices and Project Outcomes
  • Crowd Intelligence Lab, CHCI, Virginia Tech
    • Graduate Student Researcher (Aug 2017 – May 2018)
      • I designed and developed new features & modifications for the GroundTruth system - the system for geo-locating images in real-time using expert's knowledge (aerial diagram) and crowd contribution (narrowing search space). Additionally, I designed experiment studies and system architecture with Dr. Kurt Luther (Asst. Prof. at Virginia Tech).
Experimental Design for Evaluating Experts' Reflection on Image Geo-location with GroundTruth
  • A User Experience Based System for Traffic Jam Prediction Using Google Map