Project Drainpipe

I've pushed Project Drainpipe onto gitorious github as an archive. The problem Drainpipe was built to solve no longer exists with the advent of browser sound APIs

Of all the people in the world, y'all are the only folks who I imagine might be remotely interested.

Project Drainpipe (aka Neuralyte Tracker) is a tracker (powered by IBXM) with a RESTful interface. There is a crude HTML/ECMAScript interface. Screenshot to follow. Basic pattern editing exists. Persistent storage as json (to/from CouchBase) is implemented in the vanilla code. No instrument or sample editing interface has been coded (but the API exists). The code is beta.

I'd appreciate feedback - if you can get it running, or bug reports.

Basic build and run instructions are available.


Roadmap: Have a look at the README in gitorious.

Final word

PS: I begin a version of this project three years ago at Sundown. I can't make Sundown so this is my way to celebrate in absentia.