Nagios & Centreon

What is nagios?

NAGIOS is a full featured & all purpose monitoring solution. It can monitor a large variety of hardware and software, with an all-in-one viewing interface.

What is Centreon?

Centreon can be see as a NAGIOS overlayer, but with

many other features ( like graphs performances)

Example: How to monitor disk usage.

Step 1 : Configure the host

  1. Open the Centreon interface
  2. Go to 'Configuration' --> 'Hosts'
  3. Clic the 'Add' button

Complete all fields with requireds values:

  • Hostname ( like wsrv_001)
  • alias ( like devel_webserver)
  • IP address/DNS ( i.e : /
  • SNMP & version ( i.e: public & 1)
  • Monitored from : don't touch at this time
  • Host Multiple tempates : Don't touch at this time
  • Create Services linked to the template too : Don't touch at this time
  • Check period : Choose delay between checks (i.e : 24x7 for all-time monitoring)
  • Check command: Choose command to check host alive (you should put check_centreon_ping for a LAN configuration)
  • Args : Arguments passed to the check command (nothing in our example)
  • Max check attempts : number of checks tries before send an alert 'unreachable'
  • Normal check Interval : time between two checks
  • Active checks enabled : leave default value
  • Passive checks enabled : leave default value

You did it! (well only the host configuration, for now ^_^)

Step 2: Configure the service