Basis - DNS

Why should i use a DNS

Which one

Bind is the ISC name server, the most commonly dns server in UNIX and Linux. There are another name server like Microsoft name server (IN Windows Server), dnsmasq, djbdns and more.

I will talk about only ISC-Bind named server.

Role Of a Domain Name Server

Did u use IP address on the internet? no, only address name. But internet infrastructure can only serve and tell you how to access a server with IP addresses, so you must have a directory where you can have name with IP addresses who can tell you what is this IP and where is this name.

In short terms, a DNS is like /etc/hosts but in client-server mode.

What i need for a DNS


  • Linux Server
  • ISC-DNS package
  • Resolver

Config Files


Named parameters

In the example file, we use a small and minimal config.

we have 2 parts

  • options -> options and parameters of the DNS
  • zone "." and zone "" -> internal zone of isc bind, do not touch
  • other zones

Zone file

This is a key/value database with name as key and IP as value.

Reverse zone file

Same as above, but IP as key and name as value. Usefull when you have a IP and want to know what is it.