GROUP Members



Christian Borrero Villabol


Tania Class Martinez

Bryan Cruz Delgado

Christopher Dean

Sarah Gustafson Wagers

Zexian He

Lauren Kilburn

Pradeep Mohan

Andrew Norfleet

Justin Rosa Rojas

Diamarys Salome Rivera

Ángel Santiago Colón

Ryoh-Suke Sekiya


Sanghyun Ahn

Soonhyoung Kwon


Victor Lopes Albertini

Undergraduate Students

Jaatani Abdi

Arjun Bhadoria

Andrea Jones

Nakay Quintero Rojas

Aakash Sanjay

Ethan Wilcox


PHD students and postdocs


Graduate Student - bbekele at purdue dot edu

B. S. (2020) Northern Kentucky University, Chemistry

My research focuses on studying the effects of acid site proximity in zeolite catalysis. My past research experience includes my internship at Eccrine Systems, Inc. where I worked with a diverse group of scientists and engineers to design an aptamer-based medical monitoring device that senses drug metabolites in sweat. Additionally, during my time at NKU, I worked on a molecular biochemistry research project focused on the identification and characterization of post-transcriptional tRNA modification proteins found in higher eukaryotes. My other interests include playing/watching soccer, weightlifting, and participating in cultural organizations.


Graduate Student - cjborrer at purdue dot edu
(Co-advised by Fabio Ribeiro and Enrique Iglesia)

B. S. (2021) University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in Fall 2021. My research will focus on light olefin oligomerization and hydrogenation on metal-functionalized porous catalysts as part of CISTAR. I completed my B.S. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez (UPRM) in May 2021. At UPRM, I researched within Dr. Nelson Cardona Martinez's group for two years. My projects within his group focused on the characterization of different types of biomasses, the catalytic conversion of cellulose into levoglucosenone, and the extraction of pectin from cacao pod husk. In Summer 2019, I participated in the CISTAR REU program at Purdue University where I worked in Dr. Gounder’s group synthesizing cobalt oxide catalysts for light olefin oligomerization. I also completed an engineering internship at AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd. in Spring and Summer 2020. Aside from academic interests, I enjoy listening to music, hiking, swimming, and playing volleyball.


Graduate Student - cao353 at purdue dot edu
(Co-advised by Fabio Ribeiro and Enrique Iglesia)

B. S. (2019) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Chemistry
B. E. (2020) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Chemical Engineering

My research focuses on catalytic processes to convert renewable biomass-derived molecules to transportation fuels. I received my degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering in University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.  During my undergraduate studies, I spent one summer with Dr. Jane Wissinger researching and designing a green micro-emulsion copolymerization reaction for college education. Then, I spent one year working under Dr. Xiang Cheng to investigate the dynamics, trends, and similarities between explosion-driven cratering and impact-driven cratering in granular substances. My interest, however, shifted to catalysis in my senior year after learning reaction engineering. Combining my new interests and my eagerness to help the environment, I joined Gounder group in spring 2021 after coming to Purdue. Aside from academics, I enjoy board games, badminton, playing video games, and travelling.


Graduate Student - tclassma at purdue dot edu

B. S. (2020) University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in the Fall of 2020. My research is focused on the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides for automotive emissions control strategies. I obtained my bachelor’s degree from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM). I discovered my passion for research during an internship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) where I worked at Dr. Pfleger’s group studying the glucose production of genetically modified Cyanobacteria. Also, I spend a summer at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Dr. Tang’s group studying the transformation of organic molecules found in soil using manganese oxide minerals. My interest in catalysis started after working with Dr. Dumesic at UW where I studied catalyst stability for the production of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfuraldehyde, and with Dr. Pagán-Torres at UPRM, where I studied the effect of catalysts with bimetallic functionalization for the production of succinic acid. In addition to research experiences, I interned at Eli Lilly and Eastman Chemical Company. My hobbies include cooking, playing volleyball, and dancing.


Graduate Student - dean122 at purdue dot edu
(Co-advised by Enrique Iglesia)

B. S. (2023) University of Texas, Chemical Engineering


I joined the Gounder group in fall of 2023, and my research goal is to reduce the energy and hydrogen peroxide waste of forming propylene oxide from propylene. To achieve this goal, I am studying how reaction phase and catalyst material composition can be tailored to improve bifunctional catalyst performance. My previous research experiences are with Dr. Delia Milliron at UT Austin working on electrochromic nanocrystal films, and with the SULI program at Argonne National Lab working on thermochromic nanocrystal films. Additionally, I interned at Sempra Infrastructure on natural gas liquefaction projects. Outside of research, I enjoy whistling tunes, playing disc golf, and spending time with family.


Graduate Student - bcruzdel at purdue dot edu

B. S. (2022) University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder Group in the Fall of 2022. My research will focus on the selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides. I obtained my B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM). During my time at Mayagüez, I acquired research experience working with Dr. Suleiman studying noble polymer nanocomposite proton exchange membranes for fuel cells applications. Additionally, I participated in the Virtual REU program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison as part of Dr. Morgan’s group optimizing a machine learning model to predict the superconducting critical temperature of certain alloys. Besides research, I enjoy anything basketball related, listening to music, and amusement parks.


Graduate Student - gustaf14 at purdue dot edu

B. S. (2022) University of South Carolina, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in the fall of 2022. My research involves controlling acid site distributions within zeolite catalysts and investigating their role on acid-catalyzed reactions. As a chemical engineering undergraduate at the University of South Carolina, I first started research on molten salts and their usage in the nuclear industry. Afterwards, I was able to spend a summer interning with Dr. Ritter’s research group at the same university, doing extensive research on adsorption processes and catalyst characterization. It was with this same group that I worked on further developing a COMSOL program that would accurately model adsorption in a specifically designed fixed bed reactor. Outside of research, I enjoy reading, playing piano, and various sports.   


Graduate Student - he792 at purdue dot edu
(Co-advised by Fabio Ribeiro and Enrique Iglesia)

B. S. (2023) University of Virginia, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in fall 2023, researching new catalytic materials and routes for sustainable aviation fuels. I am also co-adviced by Profs. Enrique Iglesia and Fabio Ribeiro. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Virginia. I was first exposed to the field of heterogeneous catalysis while conducting undergraduate research under the guidance of Prof. Wiliam Epling. My undergraduate research focused on investigating the oxygen storage capacity of, and the sulfur interactions with ceria and ceria-zirconia mixed oxides  used in three-way catalysts. The goal was to provide evidence for a sulfur poisoning mechanism on ceria-based materials. Outside of study and research, I enjoy playing badminton and other sports, watching movies and TV series, and cooking.


Graduate Student - lkilburn at purdue dot edu

B. S. (2021) University of Florida, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder Group in the fall of 2021, and I am researching metal zeolites for partial methane oxidation. My first research experience was with Prof. David Hibbitts at the University of Florida, where I studied reactions and adsorbates relevant for methanol-to-olefins processes using density functional theory. I also participated in the CISTAR REU program at Purdue in the summer of 2020. During the REU, I worked with Prof. Gounder investigating the effect of paired acid sites on propene oligomerization reactions in zeolites. Outside of research, I enjoy reading, cooking, and photography.


Graduate Student - mohan77 at purdue dot edu

B. Tech. (2023) National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (NIT Trichy), Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in the fall of 2023. My research will focus on the use of Cu-CHA zeolite catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides. During my undergraduate studies, I worked under Dr. Arthanareeswaran on developing MOFs and COFs-based membranes for pectin separation from orange peels. For my bachelor thesis, I worked on developing Cu-BTC MOF catalyst for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production under Dr. Samsudeen. Additionally, I have also worked on projects related to sorbent-based CO2 capture on ANSYS Fluent under Dr. Swapna Rabha at IIT Madras and molecular dynamics simulation of ammonium perchlorate particles on LAMMPS for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). During my free time, I play piano, guitar, drums and outdoor sports like basketball, badminton and cricket.


Graduate Student - anorfle at purdue dot edu

B.S. (2022) Michigan State University, Chemical Engineering
B.S. (2022) Michigan State University, Chemistry

I joined the Gounder group in Fall 2022. My research will focus on controlling acid site distributions within zeolite catalysts and investigating their role on acid-catalyzed reactions. I earned my bachelor’s degrees in chemical engineering and chemistry at Michigan State University. While completing my undergraduate work, I conducted research with Dr. Carl Lira’s group on the thermodynamic modeling of hydrogen bonding systems through spectroscopic investigation and the determination of the physical properties of deuterated compounds. My interest in catalysis stems from independent research through the MSU Honors College on esterification kinetics over heterogeneous catalysts from a reaction engineering and analytical chemistry perspective. Outside of academics, I am an avid outdoorsman and enjoy water sports and playing guitar.


Graduate Student - jrosaroj at purdue dot edu
(Co-advised by Fabio Ribeiro)

B. S. (2021) University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder Group in the fall of 2021. My CISTAR project will focus on the non-oxidative conversion of methane on carbon-based catalysts. As an undergrad at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez (UPRM), I gained research experience while working in the synthesis of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles for removing bacteria from water under Prof. Oscar Perales-Pérez. Additionally, I researched in Prof. Yomaira Pagán-Torres’s group on the hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol over transition metal catalysts. Outside of UPRM, I worked on the solid-state synthesis of lacunar spinel chalcogenides in the Poeppelmeier Group at Northwestern University and participated in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Virtual Research Experience for Undergraduates program. Aside from research, I worked at Eli Lilly as an industrial hygiene intern. I like to listen to music, go outside for a run or walk, watch anime, and play video games.


Graduate Student - dsalomer at purdue dot edu

B. S. (2021) University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in the Fall of 2021. My research will focus on light olefin oligomerization on Brønsted acidic zeolites. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM). As part of my undergraduate research experiences, I worked with the Applied Optimization Group at UPRM for two years. This research focused on the simultaneous study of Herpes simplex and the neurodegenerative disorders of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease using publicly available microarray experiments. In addition, I spent one summer in the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University under the supervision of Dr. Elsje Piennar. The project focused on drug resistance in tuberculosis granulomas. My strong interest for catalysis research started at UPRM with Dr. Pagán-Torres group. In this laboratory, I was involved in developing heterogeneous catalytic materials to convert biomass-derived resources and carbon dioxide into fuels and chemicals. Aside from research, I enjoy playing basketball, dancing salsa and hip hop, and watching series.


Graduate Student - santia28 at purdue dot edu

B. S. (2020) University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, Chemical Engineering

NSF Graduate Research Fellow

I joined the Gounder group in fall 2020. As part of the CISTAR project, my research will focus on the design of stable and selective metal-zeolites for methane conversion routes. I obtained my B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM). My research career started at UPRM, in the pharmaceutical research field, with Dr. Carlos Velázquez. My interest in catalysis was developed while working with Dr. Nelson Cardona-Martínez at UPRM, studying the kinetics of levoglucosan (LGA) dehydration to levoglucosenone (LGO). Also, I worked in Dr. George Huber's research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, exploring the stereoselectivity of the hydrogenation of bio-renewable Cyrene. In addition to my research experiences, I worked at Eli Lilly and ExxonMobil as an engineering intern. Aside from research, I enjoy playing guitar, watching movies, and playing sports.


Graduate Student - rsekiya at purdue dot edu
(Co-advised by Enrique Iglesia)

B. S. (2022) Georgia Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in the fall of 2022. The goal of my project is to research the fundamentals and applications of metal/zeolite bifunctional and cascade catalysts. During my undergraduate career, I conducted research under Prof. Chris Jones, with whom I studied bifunctional acid/base cooperative catalysts for aldol condensation as well as confined polymer dynamics in carbon capture sorbents. I also did an REU project with Prof. David Hibbitts at the University of Florida, where I studied methanol cluster adsorption on small pore zeolites. Outside of research, I enjoy cooking, reading, walking, and trying new foods.



Postdoctoral Researcher - ahn142 at purdue dot edu

Postdoc (2023) POSTECH, Environmental Science & Engineering
Ph. D. (2020) POSTECH, Environmental Science & Engineering
M.S. (2015) POSTECH, Environmental Science & Engineering
B.S. (2013) Kyungpook National University, Environmental Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in June 2023. My research interests lie in the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides for automotive emissions control strategies. I obtained my Ph.D degree under the direction of Prof. Suk Bong Hong from the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in Korea. During my Ph.D course, I have focused on the synthesis of zeolites not only for a fundamental understanding the detailed interpretation of crystallization mechanism and acidic properties of zeolites but also for finding the new zeolite structures or compositions potentially usable via many kinds of synthesis approaches for applications in zeolite-catalyzed reactions. Aside from research, I enjoy playing soccer and watching movies.


Postdoctoral Researcher - kwon290 at purdue dot edu

Ph.D. (2023) MIT, Chemical Engineering
M.S. CEP (2019) MIT, Chemical Engineering
B.S. (2017) Seoul National University, Chemical and Biological Engineering

I joined the Gounder group in October 2023. My research focuses on the precise control of desired zeolite synthesis across various phases, aiming for its commercialization. I earned my Ph.D. degree at MIT under the guidance of Prof. Yuriy Roman. During this time, I honed my skills in zeolite synthesis, utilizing structure-directing agents (SDAs) with optimal templating energy, as determined through computational analysis, with a bespoke high-throughput reactor. This expertise enabled me to refine the zeolite crystallization process, deepening my understanding of its intricate mechanisms. Consequently, I’ve tailored the physicochemical properties of catalysts suitable for a variety of reactions, including methane partial oxidation and the methanol-to-olefin process. Aside from research, I enjoy playing tennis, cooking, and trying new foods.



Visiting PhD Student - vlopesal at purdue dot edu

Ph. D. (current) University of Sao Paulo, Chemical Engineering
B.S. (2019) Federal University of Sao Paulo, Chemical Engineering

I joined Dr. Gounder's group in May 2024 as a visiting scholar. I am a PhD student at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, under the supervision of Dr. Martin Schmal, in the area of heterogeneous catalysis and chemical reaction engineering. My research focuses on the study of ZSM-5 zeolite-based catalysts for the production of oxygenated organic compounds from the conversion of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4). As a visiting researcher, my project aims to improve catalytic properties by exploring alternative synthesis routes for ZSM-5, seeking to control acidity and structure. Aside from academia, I enjoy reading thriller books, watching movies and series, and swimming.

undergraduate students


Undergraduate Student - jabdi at purdue dot edu

Purdue University, Chemical Engineering, (B. S. (2025), expected)

I joined the Gounder group in the fall of 2023. The research project I am working on involves the synthesis and testing of catalysts for methane dehydroaromatization for future usage in the petrochemical industry. During my free time, I enjoy playing sports, watching movies, and travelling with friends and family.


Undergraduate Student - abhador at purdue dot edu
(Co-advised by Enrique Iglesia)

Purdue University, Chemical Engineering, (B. S. (2027), expected)

I joined the Gounder Research group in the spring of 2024. The research project I am working on involves assessing the structure, behavior and reactivity of acid sites in zeolite catalysts.  Outside of research and school, I enjoy swimming, running, and reading.


Undergraduate Student - jone2148 at purdue dot edu

Purdue University, Chemical Engineering, (B. S. (2025), expected)

I joined the Gounder Research group in the spring of 2024. I am currently working on a project to synthesize and evaluate the catalytic properties of acid zeolites. Outside of school and work, I like to spend my time going to AIChE events and watching Purdue sports with friends.


Undergraduate Student - mquinteroro at unal dot edu dot co

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Chemical Engineering, (B. S. (2025), expected)

I joined the Gounder research group in August 2024 as an undergraduate visiting scholar in the UREP-C program. My research will involve the synthesis and characterization of catalytic materials for the conversion of biomass-derived molecules into aviation fuels. I am a proactive and curious individual, deeply committed to sustainable research and innovation projects. I lead the regulation area in the SITREN UNAL-T.EN research group, contributing to the green hydrogen production project in Colombia. I am also a member of the "Adsorption and Heterogeneous Catalysis" research group, where I work on the study of zeolites. My technical expertise includes experience in metrology, particularly in calibrating thermocouples in accordance with the ISO17025-2017 standard. I am trained in helium pycnometry and the use of equipment for solid characterization, including Z potential and hydrodynamic particle size analysis by DLS. I have been involved in experimental planning and development for the characterization of "Luffa Cylindrica" for wastewater purification in basket reactors, as part of the Research Group on Materials, Catalysis and Environment. My work has been presented at the International Congress of Environmental Research and Innovation (CNIIA-2022), where I delivered a presentation on morphological analysis of biological structures. Additionally, I participated as a speaker at the winter school of the International Combustion Institute, focusing on catalytic and plasma-assisted combustion in Joinville, Brazil.


Undergraduate Student - sanjay1 at purdue dot edu

Purdue University, Chemical Engineering, (B. S. (2028), expected)

Coming soon!


Undergraduate Student - wilcoxej at purdue dot edu

Purdue University, Chemical Engineering, (B. S. (2025), expected)

I joined the Gounder Research group in the spring of 2023. My research project involves synthesizing catalysts with tailored atomic properties for use in hydrocarbon conversion reactions and environmental protection applications. Outside of school and research, I enjoy backpacking, skiing, and watching movies with friends.