v2.5.0.2 is here!
Post date: Dec 6, 2011 8:30:59 PM
I've uploaded a zipped release of v2.5.0.2, which boasts a context menu on the results pane! You can copy your selection(s) to the clipboard, and even launch a selected file in its default application--which I use pretty often for source crawling. Another change--and this is one that has been requested by a few different people so far--is that the application will remember your settings from the previous crawl. It wound up being simpler than I imagined to implement, and I am disappointed in myself for not putting that feature into the product much, much sooner.
I've also reorganized the way that the crawler thread cleans up after itself (namely, that it now actually does clean up after itself, instead of being aborted rather unceremoniously). This has lead to a reduction in exceptions to the point that I haven't been able to throw a normal situation at the crawler that caused it to let anything slip through. (Don't take that as a challenge, however, as I wasn't attacking it with any particular fervor.)
In the next version, I hope to have worked out a convenient and straightforward way to manage IFilter searches (such as the contents of PDF and Word 2007+ files, etc.). I'm having a bit of trouble trying to decide how to let the user mix and match IFilters with plain text searches; as an example, HTML files' tags will be ignored (and only text nodes will be scanned) when using IFilters in an "all or nothing" approach. As a web developer myself, that is hardly what I'm looking for. Anyway... progress is ongoing.
As for v2.5.0.2, enjoy! I hope it makes someone else's lives easier. There are always going to be more robust solutions out there (such as grepWin and TextCrawler), but I still feel that rexCrawler's miniscule size and level of customization make it a worthwhile tool to maintain. I know I've been itching for a way to filter on path names using regex for some time in grepWin; that was the very first option that I implemented in the rexCrawler code.
As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated.