

Climate Games: Experiments on How People Prevent Disaster. Under advance contract with University of Michigan Press. (with Talbot Andrews and Andrew Delton)

Articles, Chapters and Commentaries

Too Many Ways to Help: How to Promote Climate Change Mitigation Behaviors. Journal of Environmental Psychology [In press.] (with Talbot Andrews, Yanna Krupnikov, and John Barry Ryan)

Who Do You Trust? Institutions that Constrain Leaders Help People Prevent Disaster. Journal of Politics [In press.] (with Talbot Andrews and Andrew Delton)

Anticipating moral hazard undermines climate mitigation in an experimental geoengineering game. Ecological Economics [2022] (with Talbot Andrews and Andrew Delton)

Collective Risk and Distributional Equity in Climate Change Bargaining. Journal of Conflict Resolution [2022] (with Aseem Mahajan and Dustin Tingley)

Is a rational politics of disaster possible? making useful decisions for others in an experimental disaster game. Political behavior [2021] (with Talbot M. Andrews and Andrew Delton)

Behavioral analysis in the study of politics: The conflict laboratory. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics [2020] (with Alessandro Del Ponte and John Barry Ryan)

Where Mitigation and Migration Meet. Nature Climate Change [2020] (News & Views Commentary)

The political complexity of attack and defense. Behavioral and Brain Sciences [2019] (Open Peer Commentary, with Talbot Andrews, Leonie Huddy, Hannah Nam, and Katherine Sawyer)

Unfair rules for unequal pay: Wage discrimination and procedural justice. Journal of Experimental Political Science [2019] (with Scott Bokemper and Peter DeScioli)

Loss-Framed Arguments Can Stifle Political Activism. Journal of Experimental Political Science [2019] (with Adam Levine)

Personality and Prosocial Behavior: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis. Political Science Research and Methods [2019] (with Alexa Bankert, Lindsey Levitan, and Patrick Kraft)

High-risk high-reward investments to mitigate climate change. Nature Climate Change [2018] (with Talbot Andrews and Andrew Delton)

Differentiated Responsibilities and Prosocial Behaviour in Climate Change Mitigation. Nature Human Behaviour [2018] (with Nicholas Seltzer, Evgeniya Lukinova, and Autumn Bynum)

When Foul Play Seems Fair: Exploring the Link between Just Deserts and Honesty. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization [2017] (with Fabio Galeotti and Raimondello Orsini)

Passing It Along: Experiments on Creating the Negative Externalities of Climate Change. Journal of Politics [2017] (with Alessandro Del Ponte, Andrew Delton and Nicholas Seltzer)

A New Approach for Evaluating Climate Change Communication. Climatic Change [2017] (with Adam Levine)

Passive Non-Participation versus Strategic Defection in a Collective Risk Social Dilemma. Journal of Theoretical Politics [2016] (with Oleg Smirnov and Autumn Bynum)

Racial Salience, Viability, and the Wilder Effect: Evaluating Polling Accuracy for Black Candidates. Public Opinion Quarterly [2015] (with Christopher Stout)

Supermajority Voting, Indifference and Status Quo Constraints. Journal of Theoretical Politics [2014]

How Many Parties are There, Really? A New Measure of the Ideologically Cognizable Number of Parties/Party Groupings. Party Politics [2012] (with Bernard Grofman)

I'm Not Voting for Her: Polling Discrepancies and Female Candidates. Political Behavior [2011] (with Christopher Stout)

A new measure for understanding the tenure of U.S. Supreme Court justices, 1789-2009. Judicature [2010] (with Bernard Grofman)

Evaluating the Impact of Vice Presidential Selection on Voter Choice. Presidential Studies Quarterly [2010] (with Bernard Grofman)

How We Count Counts: The Empirical Effects of Using Coalitional Potential to Measure the Effective Number of Parties. Electoral Studies [2009]