Reuben Kline

Me, when I was fortunate enough to meet the late, great John Nash at Stony Brook's 24th annual Game Theory Festival (2013).

I am a political economist and behavioral ethicist at Stony Brook University, where I am an associate professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Behavioral Political Economy.

I am primarily interested in understanding how people think about fairness in social interactions. What rules, norms, and procedures are considered "fair"? How does self-interest shape one's commitment to principles of fairness? How do people incorporate uncertainty and risk into their evaluation of fairness? How do perceptions of fairness and equity shape behavior, especially in settings of conflict and cooperation, the distribution of resources, and the assignment of credit and blame?

Using behavioral game theory, evolutionary psychology, experimental economics, and meta-analysis along with other theories and methods, I answer these questions in research applied to domains such as climate change mitigation, disaster prevention, artificial intelligence, and dishonesty.

My work has been published in outlets such as Nature Climate Change, Nature Human Behaviour, the Journal of Politics, Climatic Change, Ecological Economics, and the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

I am also the editor of the newsletter for APSA's organized section on Experimental Research. We are always looking for great content, so please contact me at reuben.kline[at]