Our Church

We offer opportunities to serve God and build supportive friendships with other believers. We invite you to learn more about our church and join our growing community. Divine Liturgy is celebrated every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Feast Days are celebrated as per the church calendar.

Faith education opportunities are open to parishioners and guests of all ages: Eastern Christian Formation for children grades K-8, ByzanTeens, Adult Faith Formation.

Our parish is one deeply rooted in our commitment to Jesus Christ through our works to help others. Our various clubs, committees, and projects provide a number of options for those looking to serve God. Come join us in at the Men's Club, Women Club, ByzanTeens, Crafty Ladies, Parish Action Committees, Fellowship takes place at Coffee and Cake, Parish Maintenance Teams and the Smithtown Food Pantry.


The tetra pod, the table in front of the icon screen, offers the faithful an icon to venerate and is the location for the celebration of the sacraments and blessings. The faithful who gather for worship are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12,1)—icons of the saints.

We understand our Liturgy to be a foretaste of heavenly worship. The gold "onion dome" which crowns our Church represents the gift of the Holy Spirit descending on us and our prayers rising up like a flame to God.

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Our founders worked hard to create an authentic Byzantine Church in a western-style building. The most striking feature is the icon screen which separates the Holy Place from the nave. Its icons present Christ, the Mother of God, St Nicholas, patron of Byzantine Catholics and the Resurrection.

The upper row depicts the major feasts of the Church year. The side doors, with icons of Archangels Michael and Gabriel, is used by the clergy and servers; the central “Royal Doors” are reserved for Christ—present in the Gospel and the Eucharist. The icon screen is not a barrier but a reminder that we have access to heaven only through Jesus Christ.

The arrangement and decoration of a Byzantine Church continues to follow the directions given by God to Moses in the Old Testament but reinterpreted in terms of the perfect sacrifice offered once and for all by Jesus Christ.

The Holy Table is overshadowed by two cherubim and a cross; on it are the Holy Gospel, a Cross and the tabernacle containing the Holy Eucharist and it is illumined by a seven-branched lamp—all biblical (Hebrews 9).

We welcome our new priest, Father Vladyslav Budash, along with his wife Natalia and their three boys: Bohdan, Liubomyr, and Illia. You can reach Fr. Vlad at vladbudash@gmail.com

Sorrowful Mystery Rosary

See attachment at bottom of page.