Representative Al Green
2347 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-7508
Fax: (202) 225-2947
FINANCIAL SERVICES (Subs: Financial Institutions & Monetary Policy; Digital Assets, Financial Technology & Inclusion; Oversight & Investigations (Ranking Member));
Global Action Record:
2005 - signed Debt Relief sign-on letter
2005 - signed TB funding sign-letter
2005 - HR 1409 - Orphans & vulnerable children - cosponsor
2005 - HR 1409 - Orphans & vulnerable children - Yea
2005 - signed Smith/Holt World Bank microcredit sign-on letter
2006 - HR 5022 - Stop TB Now - cosponsor
2006 - Brown Amendment +$10m for TB - passed by voice vote
2007 - HR 1567 - Stop TB Now Act - cosponsor
2007 - HR 1567 - Stop TB Now Act - passed in House - unanimous consent
2007 - signed Lee/Shays AIDS funding sign-on letter to Appropriations
2007 - signed Holt World Bank Microcredit meeting sign-on letter
2007 - signed Holt/Carter World Bank Microcredit meeting letter to Zoellick
2007 - Payne Amendment +$50m for TB - passed by voice vote
2007 - staffer (Broker Morris) attended XDR-TB briefing
2007 - NAY on failed LHHS amendment to reduce funding for Global Fund
2007 - signed Financial Services Committee letter to the IMF regarding wage bill ceilings.
2007 - signed Payne/McCaul World Bank Tuberculosis sign on letter to Zoellick
2008 - HR 1532 - Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination Act - passed into law - unanimous consent
2008 - HR 5501 - Tom Lantos & Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Reauthorization Act - passed - Yea / yea on Senate version
2008 - HRes 1268 - House sense on foreign assistance as critical to security - cosponsor
2008 - signed Holt/Carter World Bank letter with 3 specific microcredit requests
2009 - HR 2000 - Muhammad Yunus Congressional Gold Medal - cosponsor
2009/10/22 - signed Lee/Inglis/Payne letter to Obama for $1.75B GFATM in FY11
2010/02/01 - signed letter to Treasury Secretary Geithner about debt cancellation for Haiti
2010/07/22 - sign Lee letter urging President Obama to support $6B over 3 years for the GFATM
2011/05/27 - signed Van Hollen letter urging USAID to support $450m over 3 years for GAVI
2011/07/22 - signed Lee/Payne/Waxman letter to Foreign Ops supporting $1.3b for GFATM
2012/03/20 - signed Lee letter to Appropriations requesting support for GFATM and global AIDS programs
2012/03/20 - signed Reichert/McCollum/Schnock/Capps letter to Appropriations requesting support for maternal and child health programs
2012/11/13 - HR 6588 - To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Malala Yousafzai - cosponsor
2013/04/12 - signed Lee letter to Appropriations requesting support for GFATM and global AIDS programs
2013/04/17 - signed McCollum, Reichert, Capps, Schock letter to Foreign Operations in support of Maternal & Child Health and Nutrition programs
2013/06/04 - signed McCollum, Reichert, McGovern, Schock letter to administration requesting pledge for Nutrition for Growth
2013/06/19 - HR 1947 Farm Bill Royce Amdt. - failed - allowed for aid to purchase "local" food aid instead of shipping from U.S. farms - Nay
2014/03/24 - HR 60 - To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Malala Yousafzai - cosponsor
2014/03/27 - signed Engel, Young, Green $243M Domestic TB letter
2014/04/01 - signed McCollum, Reichert, Capps, Schock Maternal & Child Health “robust” funding letter
2014/12/03 - HRes 688 - Supporting vaccines through GAVI Alliance - cosponsor
2015/03/18 - signed Reichert/McCollum/McCaul/Capps/Schock maternal & child health appropriations letter
2015/03/19 - signed Lee AIDS appropriations letter
2015/06/12 - Trade Adjustment Assistance - Nay / 2015/06/12 Trade Promotion Authority - Nay
2016/03/16 - signed Reichert/McCollum/McCaul/Capps/Ross/Lee Maternal & Child Health appropriations letter
2016/03/16 - signed Lee Global Fund and PEPFAR appropriations letter
2016/11/15 - HR 3706 - Reach Every Mother and Child Act - cosponsor
2017/03/27 - signed Reichert/Lee/McCaul/Ross/Bera Maternal & Child Health robust funding letter to Foreign Ops
2017/03/28 - signed Lee/Ros-Lehtinen Global Fund & PEPFAR robust funding letter to Foreign Ops
2017/09/07 - HR 601 +Harvey Relief + Continuing Resolution + raising debt limit - Yea (signed into law by President Trump)
2018/03/16 – signed Engel/Young/Green Bilateral Tuberculosis Appropriations letter
2018/03/16 – signed Reichert/McCollum/McCaul/Lee/Ross/Bera/Donovan Maternal & Child Health, Gavi and Nutrition Appropriations letter
2018/03/16 - signed Lee/Ros-Lehtinen GFATM/PEPFAR Appropriations letter
2018/03/16 - signed Reichert/Quigley Basic Education & GPE Appropriations letter
2018/08/02 – signed Engel, Young, Green urging admin for bold U.S. leadership at UN-HLM on TB
2019/01/17 - signed Lee/Smith GFATM letter to Secretary Pompeo
2019/03/17 – signed Quigley/Fitzpatrick Basic Education / GPE Approps letter
2019/03/22 – signed McCollum/Brooks/Lee/ Fitzpatrick M&CH, Gavi, Nutrition letter
2019/03/22 – signed Engel/Young TB Approps letter
2019/03/25 – signed Lee/Wagner GFATM / PEPFAR Approps letter
2020/03/06 - Signed House TB Engel, Young Approps letter with $400m
2020/03/09 - Signed House Education. GPE Quigley, Fitzpatrick Approps letter with robust funding
2020/03/09 - Signed House PEPFAR, Global Fund Lee, Wagner Approps letter with robust funding
2020/03/10 - Signed House MCH, Gav, Nutrition McCollum, Brooks, Lee, Fitzptrick Approps letter with $900m, $290m, $200m
2020/04/24 - signed Lee/Roby $1 billion Global Fund COVID-19 Emergency Response letter
2020/10/16 - cosponsored HRes 1191 acknowledging World Food Program's Nobel Peace Prize
2020/12/02 - cosponsored HRes 1223 Supporting the goals of World AIDS Day
2021/04/22 - signed McGovern, Fitzpatrick $300 million Nutrition Approps letter
2021/07/13 - signed Kilmer/Fitzpatrick letter to administration urging $1 billion / 5 year GPE pledge
2022/04/18 - signed Jacobs, Fitzpatrick, McGovern, Kim $300m for Global Nutrition & Maternal & Child Health Approps letter
2022/04/22 - signed Houlahan, Bera, González-Colón, Meijer significantly increase funding for PEPFAR & Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Approps letter
2022/04/22- signed Bera, Wagner $1b for global TB and $225m million for TB in CDC Approps letter
2022/10/19 - H.R.4693 - Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act of 2021 (unanimous, President Biden signed into law)
2023/03/21 - signed Quigley/Fitzpatrick strong funding Global Education letter
2023/03/22 - signed Houlahan/Bera/González-Colón/ Salazar significant increase in funding to PEPFAR and strong support for Global Fund letter
2023/03/22 - signed Bera/Wagner $1b Tuberculosis Letter
2023/03/22 - signed Fitzpatrick/Jacobs/Salazar/Jim McGovern $1.15b Maternal & Child Health, $340m Gavi, and $300m Nutrition Letter
2023/05/23 - cosponsor H.R.1776 End Tuberculosis Now Act
2024/04/29 - signed Houlahan/Bera/González-Colón/Salazar Global Fund strong support letter
2024/10/18 - cosponsored H.R.681 - READ Act
2024/12/23 - READ Act Reauthorization Act signed into law within H.R.5009 the National Defense Authorization Act
U.S. Action Record:
2007 - HR 2 - Fair Minimum Wage Act - Yea
2007 - HR 1429 - Improving Head Start Act - Yea/Yea
2007 - HR 976 - SCHIP - Yea / Yea after veto / Yea after rewrite
2007 - HR 1514 - Savings for Working Families Act - cosponsor
2007 - HR 2129 - Feeding America's Families Act - cosponsor
2007 - HR 2419 - Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act - Yea
2007 - HR 3014 - Health Equity and Accountability Act- cosponsor
2007 - HR 3162 - Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act - Yea
2007 - Congressional Budget w/ increased domestic discretionary spending - Yea
2007 - LHHS approp. 11/6-Yea 11/15-Yea
2008 - HR 976 - SCHIP - failed 1/23 Yea
2008 - HR 2419 - Farm Bill - passed/veto override/revote - Yea/Yea/Yea
2008 - HR 5140 - Economic Stimulus - (passed; signed into law) - Yea
2008 - HR 6049 - Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act (extends Child Tax Credit) - Yea
2008 - HR 6331 - Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act - yea / yea after veto
2008 - HR 6867 - Unemployment Compensation Extension Act - Yea
2009 - HR 1 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Yea
2009 - HR 2 - Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act - Yea
2009 - HR 4154 - Permanent Estate Tax Relief for Families, Farmers & Small Businesses Act -Yea
2009 - S.Con.Res.13 - Congressional Budget Resolution - Yea
2010 - HR 3590 - Patient Protection and Affordable Health Act - Yea
2010 - S 3307 - Healthy Hungry Free Kids Act of 2010 - Yea
2010 - HR 4853 - Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010 - Yea/Yea
2012/03/14 - signed Kildee/Platts Head Start/child care letter
2013/06/20 - HR 1947 Farm Bill - failed - would have cut SNAP- Nay
2013/09/19 - HR 3102 Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act (cuts SNAP $39b)- Nay
2014//01/29 - HR 2642 - Agriculture Act of 2014 = Farm Bill (cuts SNAP $8.6b) - Nay
2014/07/25 - HR 4935 - Child Tax Credit Improvement Act (extends CTC to higher-incomes families but fails to address expiring benefits to low-income families) - Nay
2015/12/17 - HR 2029 - Omnibus tax bill including permanent extension or critical EITC/CTC provisions - Yea
HR 1628 - American Health Care Act of 2017 - Nay
2018/05/18, 2018/06/21 - HR 2 Farm Bill - failed - would have cut SNAP for people out of work - Nay, Nay
2019/03/29 - signed Nadler U.S. Housing Choice Vouchers Approps letter
2020/06/29 - HR 7301 - Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act – cosponsor & Yea
2020/12/21 - HR 133 FY21 + Coronavirus Relief - Yea
2021/07/13 - signed Senators Merkley, Rep Torres letter to leadership in support of affordable housing infrastructure
2021/07/16 - Cosponsored HR 4496 - Ending Homelessness Act
2021/07/16 - Cosponsored HR 4497 - Housing is Infrastructure Act
2021/07/16 - Cosponsored HR 4495 - Downpayment Toward Equity Act
2021/10/15 - signed Torres letter to leadership preserve housing funding in recovery bill
2023/06/07 - initial cosponsor HR 3899 American Family Act (CTC)
2023/10/12 - cosponsor H.R. 3519 Hot Foods Act (SNAP)
2024/01/31 - HR 7024 - Tax Relief for American Families and Workers (CTC) - Yea