Ending the Israeli occupation will end all bloodshed in Palestine

Message by Neturei Karta International

October 9,2023

The State of Israel and its Zionist ideology has resulted in unrelenting Arab and Jewish bloodshed. The outbreak of war this past weekend is another manifestation of the blood stained seeds that Zionism continues to sow on a daily basis. Anti-Zionist Jews once again hold the Zionist movement responsible for the latest tragic set of events suffered by both Arabs and Jews.

For 75 years the State of Israel has oppressed and terrorized the Palestinian people, ruthlessly murdering men, women and children as they stole their land and took their homes. In their on-going effort to achieve their Zionist, colonialist aspirations, the State of Israel has deprived an entire people of basic human rights and have actualized an apartheid system under which the Palestinians have no control or even say in their daily lives.

One of the fundamental Jewish religious beliefs is that the Jews are in a Divinely decreed exile. During this exile they are forbidden to create their own State. Furthermore the Torah forbids killing and stealing - Zionism goes contrary to all of these basic beliefs. It cannot be stated or emphasized enough, "ZIONISM IS NOT JUDAISM. From its inception, masses of religious Jews in both Palestine and abroad totally opposed and rejected the Zionist movement and the existence of the State of Israel. Religious Jewish leaders expressed in no uncertain terms that the State of Israel goes contrary to Judaism and is dangerous to all inhabitants of the holy land, They warned that its existence would be catastrophic and only lead to bloodshed.

Jews and Arabs lived in peace in Palestine for centuries, as in all other Arab lands. As Jews we are and have been extremely grateful for the hospitality accorded to us throughout the past. The present conflict is in no way due to differences in religions – contrary to the Zionist narrative, which seeks to drive a wedge between Jews and Arabs. This historic trust, indeed friendship, peaceful respect and coexistence has been destroyed through Zionism and the Zionist occupation of Palestine and for decades has been the obstacle to peace.

The one and only solution is to recognize the root cause and work toward a peaceful and total dismantlement of the State of Israel, to return control of the land to its indigenous inhabitants and restore all their rights. Only then can we expect a restoration to the historic peace that existed prior to Zionism.



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