
Mission: Open a neighborhood school in the Whisman-Slater Area


For some background, please check out this presentation which was presented to the board on Nov 12th, 2015:

ReopenSlater: Now Not Later

The Northeast quadrant of Mountain View has over 500 elementary students attending public schools in Mountain View, but there is no school in this part of the city. Whisman was closed in 2000 and Slater in 2006. Now is a critical time to act before millions dollars in school funds are divided between the 8 existing elementary schools leaving no neighborhood school for this part of the city.


As a result of the community action, strong presence and compelling argument to open a school in North Whisman, the board voted to reopen Slater at the December 10th meeting. This was a huge victory for us.

Nonetheless, we must be an active community until we are actually enrolling our kids at Slater. We've actually been here before, and a drop in vigilance sent us back to square one.

Next Steps

Sign our petition to show your support for opening a 10th school in the Whisman-Slater neighborhood.

Take our survey to provide more data around the public school needs in the Whisman Slater neighborhood.

Join our google group to stay informed.

Get Involved!

If you cannot make the meetings, you can still make your voice heard! Email:

1) Email the Trustees: trustees@mvwsd.org

2) Email the Committees: facilities@mvwsd.org;boundaries@mvwsd.org

"Sign up" if you have a child starting Kindergarten or 1st grade in 2016 and would choose to send them to a neighborhood school.

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