Other Papers

Working Paper

  1. Health Insurance and Physicians' Practice Location Choice: Evidence from the Large Scale Expansion of Medical Subsidy Programs, with Hiroshi Aiura. R&R.

  2. Maternal Labor Supply, Childcare, and the Health of Preschool Children in Japan, Submitted.

  3. Identifying Tax Mimicking in Municipal Health Insurance: Evidence from A Boundary Reform, with Michihito Ando.

  4. Vaccination under the Pandemic and Political Support, with Masaki Takahashi, Toyo Ashida, Yoko Ibuka, Submitted.

Other Articles (Non-refereed)

  1. What School Closure Left in Its Wake: Contrasting Evidence Between Parents and Children from the First COVID-19 Outbreak. with Izumi Yokoyama.

  2. 高久玲音(2019). 小学校一年生の壁と日本の放課後保育. 日本労働研究雑誌, 707, 68-78.

  3. Ando, M. and Takaku, R. (2016).Identifying Tax Mimicking in Municipal Health Insurance: Evidence from A Boundary Reform. Working Paper Series, No 27. National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.

  4. 高久玲音・別所俊一郎(2014). 医療保険・医療需要・健康指標:1971 年保険医総辞退のケース. 慶應義塾大学経済研究所ディスカッションペーパー DP2014-006.

  5. Takaku, R., Bessho, S., Nishimura, S., and Ikegami, N. (2014). Fiscal Disparities among Social Health Insurance Programs in Japan. [Universal Health Coverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Lessons from Japan: Editor Naoki Ikegami],World Bank Publications.Washington DC, United States. [English/日本語版]

  6. 別所俊一郎・高久玲音. (2014)「公的健康保険における保険料差・安定化・再分配」『三田学会雑誌』107(4),129-145.

  7. Takaku, R.(2012). Labor Supply in Workplaces with Inherent Hazards. Japanese Economy.39(1), 72-104.

  8. 高久玲音(2011). 人工透析患者における医療サービス利用:北海道X 市における検証. IPSS Discussion Paper Series No.2010-J04