

It is my privilege to be the Teaching and Learning Coach for Swain West Elementary. I work with all classes and teachers in regards to curriculum content and technology in our school, including our STEM lab/MakerSpace in the Learning Lab. I am married to Rich Peoples. I have two grown boys. I have a little dog (Swiffer) and two cats (Samson and Delilah). I live in Whittier, up on the top of a mountain. When it snows, I do NOT come down the mountain!

Teaching is my life, not occupation. As the oldest of 4 children, I started "helping" others while I was still a preschooler. As a teenager, I began working in a childcare center and started teaching children in church Sunday School at the age of 14. Professionally, I have been in education for 30 years as a teacher. I have taught grades preK through fifth grade, been the Director of two Child Development Centers, served on church education staffs, and been an associate professor for community college education courses. My education

includes a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education from the University of Florida (GO GATORS!), a Master's Degree in Religious Education, another from Johns Hopkins in curriculum and administration and a third (and final) Master's Degree in Digital Teaching and Learning from NCSU.

After earning my own National Board Certification, I served as a facilitator for teachers attempting to achieve their own National Board Certification, and also am a mentor and teach conferences in use of technology and leading math, for teachers throughout the state. A few years ago, I was the school, county and Western Region Teacher of the Year. I am on the board of the NC Association of Elementary Educators and work to help elementary school teachers in the state and anyone who can connect to me by way of a computer.

I LOVE to read and have a personal goal of encouraging every child to learn to read better so that he or she will love it as much as I do. My favorite subject to teach is math. Since I really believe math is fun, I always find some way to make it fun for all students!

My husband is a mechanical engineer employed by Duotech in Franklin. We like to travel for vacation and for mission trips. I have been blessed to teach boys and girls in places including Florida, Chicago, Philadelphia, Bronx, NY, and Moldova (in Eastern Europe).

I have 2 sons- 1 is self-employed selling custom made golf clubs and his wife is a photographer. The other is a police detective and he and his fiance also own Twice as Nice, a second-hand children's store in Sylva. the other is in college. I have three grandchildren, Maddy is 5, Eli and Wren are almost 2.