
I welcome students’ application for supervision (internship, research assistance, or Honours/Masters/PhDs dissertation).  

Requirements for Applicants: (i) a bachelor’s or master’s degree in economics, econometrics, or applied math (candidates with background in social sciences or sciences can apply, but then it is preferable that their interests are in environmental/resource/energy economics or political economy); (ii) strong appetite for academic research; (iii) research interests in environmental and resource economics, energy economics or political economy, or in ex-post policy evaluation (with the relevant background econometrics), or in data science. Special attention will be given to students with good knowledge of Stata, R, Python, MATLAB or ArcGIS.

How to apply? The applicant must send in one email [CV + academic transcripts + ideas of research topic (if any) + example of previous relevant work (if any)] to my academic email address (see home page).  The CV should include proficiency level in English, as well as the coding languages/softwares mastered by the applicant.  

A few broad topics for dissertation/research projects: