
"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as your self." (Matt 22: 37-39)

Following these words of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Parish Mission Statement, the staff and students of St. Thomas Religious Education will commit themselves to live and bear witness to the word of God in our everyday lives. By respecting the dignity and rights of others, attending Mass, praying and participating in community service we will be following the greatest commandment, the Law of Love.

Each family will receive a copy of the St. Thomas Religious Education Handbook. Signatures of parents and students will be kept on file stating that they have read and will abide by all the handbook directives. No student will be admitted to a class until a signed handbook agreement is on file in the Religious Education office.

This parish catechetical program abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, we will provide the non-custodial with unofficial parent copies of records. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the catechetical office with an official copy of the court order.

We reserve the right to amend this handbook if the need arises.


Students must bring all required materials to class each session - pen, pencil, notebook (if needed), folder, homework assignments, religion book,and the Bible in Grades 6-8. Lost books can be replaced for a fee of $20.00 dollars.


Quizzes and tests must be passed according to students abilities. In the older grades. report cards will be distributed after mid-terms and finals We ask that the mid-term report cards be signed and returned to the teacher. Students with failing grades will be required to review the year and complete assignments to proceed to the next level.

Report cards contain teacher comments, conduct grades, attendance and test grades. It is important that parents and guardians review and discuss the progress with their child.