
(Selected ones since 2012)

2024/12  Cluster algebras and its applications to rational maps, Poisson幾何とその周辺 24 (東京理科大学). 

2024/11  Solutions of tetrahedron equation and 3D reflection equation from quantum cluster mutations, New developments in representation theory of algebras (OIST, Okinawa).

2024/9  Cluster realization of Weyl groups and q-characters of affine quantum groups, Vertex algebras and related topics (RIMS, Kyoto).

2024/3  Cluster algebras and 3D integrability,  Advances in Cluster Algebras 2024 (Nagoya University).

2023/12  Cluster realization of Weyl groups and its applications to representation theory,  Workshop on mirror symmetry and related topics (Kyoto University).

2023/9  クラスター変異と3次元可積分系, 可積分系数理における最近の展開 (RIMS, Kyoto).

2023/7  Cluster realization of Weyl group and its applications to representation theory, FPSAC'23  (UC Davis, California).

2023/4  Symmetry of discrete and ultradiscrete integrable systems, Non-commutative Geometry meets Topological Recursion (ESI, Vienna).

2023/3  ワイル群のクラスター実現と表現論への応用, 日本数学会年会特別講演 (中央大学). 

2022/9   Cluster algebras and combinatorics in representation theory,  Cluster algebra and its development,  Cluster algebras and hyperbolic geometry, Aisenstadt Chair Lecture Series (CRM, Montreal). 

2022/3   クラスター代数と双曲幾何, Encounter with Mathematics  (中央大学). 

2022/2   Cluster algebras and its applications to rational maps, The 2022 ANZAMP meeting (Zoom). 

2021/9   クラスター代数とその広がり, 第66回 代数学シンポジウム (Zoom).    

2020/11   Cluster realization of Weyl groups and its applications, 2020年度表現論シンポジウム (Zoom).                                             

2020/2   R-matrices in cluster algebras, Baxter 2020: Frontiers in Integrability (ANU, Canberra).

2019/6   Cluster realizations of Weyl groups and their applications, ISLAND V (ICMS, Isle of Skye).

2019/6   Cluster realizations of Weyl groups and their applications, Cluster Algebras 2019 (RIMS, Kyoto).

2019/3   Cluster realizations of Weyl groups and their applications, Séminaire GT3 (IRMA, Strasbourg).

2018/9   Cluster realization of Coxeter groups and its application, 可積分系理論から見える数理構造とその応用 (RIMS, Kyoto).

2018/5   Networks on surfaces and integrable systems, Infinite Analysis 18 Spring School (Nagoya).

2018/3   R-matrices in cluster algebra, Cluster Algebras: Twenty Years On (CIRM, Luminy). 

2017/12   Cellular automata for reduced words in the affine symmetric group, Integrable Systems 2017 (Sydney).

2017/11    Networks on a cylinder and discrete integrable systems, New development in Teichmuller space theory (OIST, Okinawa).

2017/9   An application of cluster algebra to hyperbolic geometry,  リーマン面に関連する位相幾何学 (Tokyo).

2017/6   Cluster algebraic structure of geometric R-matrices,  Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory (ALTReT) 2017 (Teijin Academy Fuji, Shizuoka).

2016/9   Cluster braiding operator and Kashaev's R-matrix, Workshop on Volume Conjecture and Quantum Topology (Waseda, Tokyo).

2016/6   The cluster structure of geometric R-matrices, 5th Workshop on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Hurwitz Numbers, and Cohomological field theories (Moscow).

2015/12   Double affine symmetric group action on the toric network and generalized disctete Toda lattice, Topics on tropical geometry, integrable systems and positivity (Aoyama Gakuin, Kanagawa).

2015/10   Tropical geometry and combinatorics in integrable cellular automata, Séminaire de Géométrie Tropicale (Jussieu, Paris).

2015/9   Cluster algebra and knot invariants, Braids, Configuration Spaces, and Quantum Topology (Tokyo).

2015/8   Degenerate exchange matrices and Y-systems, 可積分系理論の諸分野への応用 (RIMS, Kyoto).

2015/7   Double affine symmetric group antion on the toric network and generalized disctete Toda lattice, Integrability in algebra, geometry and physics: New trends (Congressi Stefano Franscini, Switzerland).

2015/4   Double affine symmetric group action on the toric network, and integrable cellular automata, Tropical aspects in geometry, topology and physics (MFO, Oberwolfach).

2015/4   Generalization of discrete Toda lattice and toric network,  The 9-th IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena (Georgia).

2014/9    R-operator and knot invariants via cluster algebra,  Quantum Topology and Physics 2014 in Fukuoka (Nishijin Plaza, Fukuoka).

2014/8    R-operator and knot invariants via cluster algebra, Integrability and Cluster Algebras (ICERM, Providence).

2014/5    R-operator and knot invariant via cluster algebra,  Lie theory and mathematical physics (CRM, Montreal).

2014/1    Application of cluster algebra to hyperbolic 3-manifolds, and complex volume of knots, RIKKYO MathPhys 2014 (Tokyo).

2013/12    Cluster algebra and complex volume of knots, Cluster algebra and related topics (MFO, Oberwolfach).

2013/8    Cluster algebra and complex volume of knots, SIAM conference on applied algebraic geometry (Colorado).

2013/3    Cluster Algebra and Complex Volume of Two-Bridge Knots,  Low dimensional topology and number theory V (Fukuoka).

2012/9   Tropical geometry and integrable cellular automata,  UC Berkeley Combinatorics Seminar (Berkeley).

2012/7   Tropical geometry and integrable systems,  NEEDS 2012, Orthodox Academy of Crete (Crete).

2012/3   Tropical geometry and integrable cellular automata,  Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics (Bonn).