

  • Andrea Tesi, "Analisi di un modello elettrodebole con bosone di Higgs composto", Florence U. 2011

  • Elena Vigiani, "Modello effettivo con Higgs pseudo bosone di Goldstone: analisi dei termini non minimali", Florence U. 2013

  • Carlotta Sacco, "Momenti di dipolo in teorie con Higgs pseudo bosone di Goldstone'', Florence U. 2014

  • Andrea Mitridate, "Aspects of composite accidental Dark Matter", Florence U. 2016

  • Mattia Crescioli, "Test di precisione di Higgs parzialmente composti", Florence U. 2017


Talk to me if you are interested in a Master or Ph.D. thesis in particle physics.

Thesis proposals:

- Phase transitions and gravitational waves

- Dark Matter with no SM interactions

- Gravitational production of dark matter


From 2014 I am co-organizing the school for Ph.D. students at the Galileo Galilei Institute.

The videos of the GGI lectures on the fundamental interactions can be found here.


- Mini course on Composite Higgs Models at ICTP, Sao Paulo.

- Quantum Field Theory I (course at Florence University 2015-2019).

- Lectures on Axions (spring 2018).

- Theories of the primordial universe (course at Florence University 2019-present).


Particle Physics after LHC8.pdf