John W. Tobin born in 1895 was a life-long resident of Vinton, Iowa. The son of a lawyer, he joined his father and brothers' legal firm of Tobin, Tobin and Tobin in 1917. He served in the signal corps during WW I. Tobin was appointed district judge in 1954, for the counties of Benton, Marshall, and Tama. Judge Tobin remained on the bench until 1970 when he reached the mandatory retirement age. Always active in community affairs, Tobin helped organize the American Legion in Iowa and the Lions Club in Vinton. He was president of the State Bank of Vinton and active with the local library. An ardent conservationist, in 1952 he was elected national president of the Izaak Walton League of America and in 1974, he became a member of their Hall of Fame. The Judge John W. Tobin award was established in 1976 to recognize The outstanding volunteer in each chapter, the award is personally presented at the chapter by the national director of the IWLA. In 1977 he and his wife donated their 68 acre Cedar River property to the Benton County Conservation Board. Judge Tobin died in Vinton, in 1989 at the age of 94.