
Saturday, 3/9 (Exploratory Hall L003)

9am: Badge pickup and registration

9:30am: Brian Harbourne

10:30am: Coffee break

11am: Selvi Kara

12pm: Lunch (options available at the Johnson Center or Merten Hall, or off campus)

2pm: Michael DeBellevue

3pm: Coffee break

3:30pm: Eleonore Faber

4:45pm: Poster session and reception (L102)

6pm: Conference dinner at the Johnson Center (George's, located on the south end of the 3rd floor)

Sunday, 3/10 (Exploratory Hall L003)

9am: Adela Vraciu

10am: Coffee break

10:15am: Hans Schoutens

11:15am: Coffee break

11:30am: Josh Pollitz