Rebecca R.G. (she/her)

Assistant Professor

Mathematics Department

George Mason University

Office: 4406 Exploratory Hall

Email: rrebhuhn at gmu dot edu

arXiv site:

I am an Assistant Professor at George Mason University, studying commutative algebra. I received my PhD from the University of Michigan in Summer 2016, under the guidance of Mel Hochster, and then did a postdoc at Syracuse University from 2016-2018. I'm interested in closure operations, particularly those with similar properties to tight closure, and big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras. I also work on free resolutions and matrix factorizations, particularly over rings of characteristic p>0, and in the last few years have worked on neural ideals as well.

My teaching interests include the use of active learning and inquiry in the classroom. See to find groups interested in using inquiry in the classroom.

My students:

Heath Camphire (PhD 2023). Thesis: Determining the Betti numbers of R/(x^{p^e},y^{p^e},z^{p^e}) for most even degree hypersurfaces in odd characteristic

Julian Benali (MS 2023)