About Me

Who am I?

I have been a member of the Pagan community since 1992, when I attended my first Samhain ritual. Since then I have been seeking a variety of paths until I found Ar nDraoicht Fein in 2002, and became a Druid. Through this path I have discovered I greatly enjoy helping others, and chose to begin ADF's Initiatory path in 2010, focusing on serving the folk in a direct one-to-one setting through divination, trancework, and magic.

In Spring 2018, I received training and certification as Death Doula. A death doula or death midwife assists the dying and their family on the practical, spiritual, and emotional matters that surround this last rite of passage. See the services page.

Runes are divinatory tools that come to us from the ancient Norse, Scandinavian, Icelandic, and Anglo-Saxon peoples. Each letter has one to three poems associated with it. These poems are the beginning point for the meaning of each letter; however, despite being simple in appearance, the runes are deceptively complex, and reveal new mysteries the more they are studied.


Want to set up an appointment or ask further questions? Please e-mail readingsbyleesa@gmail.com, or look for me on Facebook .

Statement on Ethical Services: There have been a number of reports recently of people seeing readers or diviners, being talked into more expensive services, and then being told that only that reader can 'uncross' or 'unhex' them, for hundreds or thousands of dollars. This is extremely unethical behavior, and most likely a con. Please don't let someone steal your power that way.

If you become a client of mine, all prices will be discussed up front and not change after the fact. (I prefer paying up front, so that makes that impossible anyway). I promise confidentiality; nothing you discuss will be revealed to others. If doing a working for you, I will give you a breakdown of the costs involved.