E-Mail Address

You can e-mail the Oaks North Senior Men's Golf Club at:



Please provide your email address to the Club.

The cost of postage makes it very expensive to send Club information to members by mail. Using email, the Club avoids this expense for all members with an email address.

When you fill out your yearly membership form, please legibly write your preferred e-mail address. Please ensure that we have your correct email address on file so you can get Club information faster and with less expense to the Club.

We promise absolutely no spam and we never make your email address available to anyone, ever. And you're safe from virus and malware. All emails and graphics are created from scratch and are virus free.

The only material you will receive from us is Club information, such as the tournaments, membership renewal and other special items that may come up.

Members should provide us their email addresses by sending an email to the Membership chairman, Roger Mark at:  rmark92128@gmail.com

Make sure you enable your service to receive our emails.