Research Overview: My research is about robust software engineering using domain specific languages and formal verification. I enable practicing engineers to benefit from these technologies in their daily work. Together with other colleagues, I deploy domain specific model driven engineering and automated formal verification to achieve 5-10x improvement of productivity and quality and enable completely new use-cases. I work with people from various business domains -- healthcare, industrial software, power generation or mobility.

DSLs eliminate accidental complexity of development artefacts by using adequate and domain appropriate constructs. This increases productivity via higher automation and allows easier definition of tooling. Furthermore, the quality can be ensured in a constructive manner since many categories of errors and inconsistencies can be simply avoided up front. To efficiently build and evolve DSLs and associated tooling I am using JetBrain's Meta Programming System (MPS).

Formal verification is a key technology to reach high assurance of the dependability of software intensive systems. I am especially interested in enabling practicing engineers to use automated formal verification techniques in their daily work -- I develop methods and tooling for deploying formal methods for a broader audience of practitioners in software/systems engineering or various business domains. I strongly believe that DSLs and formal verification used in a synnergetic manner have a huge potential.

I continuously publish about my research in peer-reviewed international venues. Below is an overview over my recent papers:

During my PhD, my research was about program comprehension and reverse engineering - an overview is here.