
About me: I am a methods and language engineer working for CARIAD in the Process Methods and Tools department. I am developing domain specific methods, domain specific languages, analyses and tools for systems/safety/security/software engineers working on software intensive vehicle functions and the autonomy stack. My special interest is about methods and tools for automating development and safety assurance. Previously, I worked for AID, developing methods and tooling for their autonomy stack.

Before moving to automotive, I was a researcher in robust software engineering and safety critical systems working for Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich. My work was about developing domain specific languages and combining them with formal verification to increase reliability of software. Besides doing research (25%), I was also consulting and coaching on language engineering and verification technologies, and developing software for Siemens (75%).

Previously, I was research group lead at fortiss research institute from Munich and before that postdoc at the Technical University of Munich from where I also got my PhD (summa cum laude) in 2009 at the Chair of Software and Systems Engineering. I studied at Politehnica University from Timisoara, Romania and was member of the LOOSE Research Group.

 Research interests:

 Older* interests: 

(*) - topics I still find fascinating, but not actively working anylonger

See also my ResearchGate page.

Open Source Projects:
