Research in details

In this section, I detail the various projects I worked on, either as PI or collaborator. I indicate my role, key administrative info and the scientific outputs of the research.


Project: The neural dynamics of the production of abstract words with inferential naming tasks

Post-doctoral research, PI


Post-doctoral fellowship from ILCB/BLRI (2 years)

Functioning grand from ILCB/BLRI (€ 1000)

Methods: behavior, EEG


Project: Dynamics of word production across the lifespan

Post-doctoral research, Collaborator


research funded by FNS 100014-165647 (Pr. Laganaro, Pr. Zesiger)

Methods: behavior, EEG

local faculty Ethics committee approval: Sept 2016

Research output: in progress, several posted communications in international conferences


Project: Dynamics of facilitation and interference in language production

Post-doctoral research, Collaborator

Sub projects:

*Dynamics of semantic facilitation and interference (Collaborator)

Research output: 2 co-author papers, several posted communications in international conferences

*Dynamics of interference caused by attentional load (Co-PI)

Research output: 1 first-author paper, several oral/posted communications in international conferences, papers submitted

*Lexical-semantics in language production (Co-PI)

Research output: 1 first-author paper, several oral/posted communications in international conferences

Methods: behavior, EEG, brain-damaged patients

Addendum to local faculty Ethics committee approval: Sept 2015 (initial approval May 2013)


Project: Methodological issues in language production (Collaborator)

Funding: Frenh-Swiss grant "Germaine de Staël" (N° 2013-22) from the "Partenariat Hubert Curien" program (obtained by Pr. Laganaro, University of Geneva and Dr. Alario, LPC, CNRS, France)

Method: behavior, EEG

Research output:

1 first-author paper


Project: Impact of inhibition of the right Broca homologue to novel word learning in healthy participants (Collaborator)

Method: behavior, TMS, EEG

Research output:

1 co-author paper

1 paper in revision


Project: Le geste et la parole

Applied research, PI

Funding: Association de Recherche Thérapeutique, Siège social: Service de Médecine Interne, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud

Method: behavior

Ethics committee approval: 2012 from Association de Recherche Thérapeutique-Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud

Research output:

1 co-author paper


Project: Localisation spatiale-Mise en évidence des circuits partagés moto-langagiers et visuo-langagiers

PhD related research, Co-PI (coordinator: CERMEP)

Funding: Functioning grant from IFNL (€ 6000)

Method: fMRI

Additional Ethics committee approval: COMEX 26/09/2011

Research output:

1 posted communication


Project: Les circuits partagés entre action, perception et langage: De leur développement à leur intérêt en réhabilitation

PhD research, Co-PI


PhD Fellowship from ED NSCo/University of Lyon (3 years)

Functioning/Material grant from Région Rhône-Alpes Projet Cible (€ 25000) (advisor Dr. Nazir)

Methods: EEG, fMRI, kinematics

Ethics committee final approval: 05/09/2011 from CPP Sud-Est II; 11/07/2011 from AFSSAPS

Research output:

3 first-author papers; 1 co-author papers; 3 book chapters; several oral/posted communications in international conferences