
Articles in peer-reviewed journals

23. Fargier, R. & Laganaro, M. (2023) Referential and inferential production across the lifespan : different patterns and different predictive cognitive factors, Frontiers in Psychology.

22. Banks, B., Borghi, A., Fargier, R., Fini, C., Jonauskaite, D., Mazzuca, C., Montalti, M., Villani, C. & Woodin, G. (2023) Consensus paper: Current perspectives and future directions on abstract concepts (all authors contributed equally, alphabetical order), Journal of Cognition.

21. Alaria, L. & Fargier, R. (2022) La question du lexique, apports et dialogues entre recherche et pratique clinique. A.N.A.E, 181, 000-00.

20. Fargier, R. & Mimbela M. (2022) Étude pilote de l’implication du système sensori-moteur et des activités culturelles dans les connaissances sémantiques des mots concrets et abstraits chez des enfants d’âge scolaire. A.N.A.E, 181, 000-00.

19. Zappa, A., Bolger, D., Pergandi, J-M., Fargier, R., Mestre D. & Frenck-Mestre, C.The neural correlates of embodied L2 learning: Does embodied L2 verb learning affect representation and retention? Accepted Stage 1 Preregistered Report, Neurobiology of Language

18. Krethlow, G., Fargier, R.& Laganaro, M. (2020). Age-Specific Effects of Lexical-Semantic Networks on Word Production. Cognitive Science, 44(11):e12915.

17. Atanasova, T., Fargier, R., Zesiger, P. & Laganaro, M. (2020). Dynamics of single word production from childhood to adolescence and adulthood. Neurobiology of Language, 2:1, 1-21.

16. Fargier, R.,& Laganaro, M. (2020). ERPs modulations of word planning processes for newly-acquired words relative to well-known words. Brain Research, 1727:146557.

15. Fargier, R.,& Laganaro, M. (2019). Interference in speaking while hearing and vice versa. Scientific Reports. 9:5375.

14. Laganaro, M., Bonnans, C., and Fargier, R. (2019) Impact of attentionnal interference on lexical and phonological processes in word production in persons with aphasia, Cognitive Neuropsychology, in Press.

13. Python, G, Fargier, R. and Laganaro, M. (2018) When Wine and Apple both help the production of Grapes: ERP evidence for post-lexical semantic facilitation in picture naming. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 12:136. dos: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00136. [pdf]

12. Python, G, Fargier, R. and Laganaro, M. (2018) ERP evidence of distinct processes underlying semantic facilitation and interference in word production, Cortex, 99:1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2017.09.008.

11. Fargier, R., Bürki, A., Pinet, S., Alario, F.-X. and Laganaro, M. (2018). Word onset phonetic properties and motor artefacts in speech production EEG recordings, Psychophysiology

10. Fargier, R. and Laganaro, M. (2017). Spatio-temporal dynamics of referential and inferential naming: Different brain and cognitive operations to lexical selection, Brain Topography, 30(2), 182-197. doi: 10.1007/s10548-016-0504-4 [pdf]

9. Pinet, S. and Fargier, R. (2016). Commentary: Oscillatory Neuronal Activity Reflects Lexical-Semantic Feature Integration within and across Sensory Modalities in Distributed Cortical Networks, Frontiers in Psychology. [pdf]

8. Fargier, R. and Laganaro, M. (2016). Neurophysiological modulations of non-verbal and verbal dual-tasks interference during word planning, Plos ONE, 11(12): e0168358 [pdf]

7. Nicolo, P., Fargier, R., Laganaro, M. and Guggisberg, A.G. (2016). Neurobiological correlates of inhibition of the right Broca homologue during new-word learning, Front. Hum. Neurosci, 10:371. [pdf]

6. Fargier, R. and Laganaro, M. (2015). Neural dynamics of object noun, action verb and action noun production in picture naming, Brain and Language, 150:129–142. [pdf]

5. Ravella, P., Fargier, R.,Magdinier, P., Dubost, V., Jallade, M.F. and Sibille, M. (2014) Le geste et la parole. Histoire d'une recherche thérapeutique sur l'apprentissage associé de mots et de gestes, L'information psychiatrique, Volume 90, pp. 485-492 [pdf]

4. Fargier, R., Ploux, S., Cheylus, A., Paulignan, Y., Reboul, A., and Nazir, T.A. (2014) Differentiating semantic categories during the acquisition of novel words: Correspondence Analysis applied to ERPs, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(11):2552-63. [pdf]

3. Ménoret, M., Varnet, L., Fargier, R., Cheylus, A., Curie, A., Des Portes, V., Nazir, T.A. and Paulignan, Y. (2014) Neural basis of non-verbal social interactions : a Dual-EEG study, Neuropsychologia, 55:85-97.

2. Fargier, R., Ménoret, M., Boulenger, V., Nazir, T.A and Paulignan, Y. (2012) Grasp it loudly! Supporting motor actions with semantically congruent spoken action words, PLoSONE, 7(1): e30663. [pdf]

1. Fargier, R., Paulignan, Y., Boulenger, V., Monaghan, P., Reboul, A. and Nazir, T.A. (2012) Learning to associate novel words with motor actions: Language-induced motor activity following short training, Cortex. [pdf]

Book Chapters

5. Fairs, A., Fargier, R. & Strijkers, K. (2022) Links between production and comprehension, TIPA

4. Nazir, T.A.,Fargier, R., Douissembekov, E. & Paulignan, Y. (2018) Stop moving and you will understand : Selective weakening of the N400 to hand-action words during hand movements. Language, Evolution and Mind: Essays in honor of Anne Reboul, Pierre Saint-Germier, pp.203-217. 

3. Fargier, R. (2015) From modal brain structures to word-meaning, in Coello, Y. and Fischer, M. (eds), Conceptual and Interactive Embodiment: Foundations of Embodiment Cognition, Volume 2. East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press. [pdf]

2. Fargier, R. (2014) Du mouvement dans les mots: Apprentissage moteur du langage d’action, in Le langage au bout des doigts, Frak, V. & Nazir, T.A. (eds), Presses de l’Université du Québec. [pdf]

1. Nazir, T.A., Fargier, R., Aravena, P. and Boulenger, V. (2012) When words trigger activity in the brain’s sensory and motor systems: It is not Remembrance of Things past, in Language and action in cognitive neuroscience, Coello, Y. & Bartolo, A. (eds), Psychology Press. [pdf]

Digital publication

1. Visualization of lexico-semantic networks and their changes across the lifespan (2019)

Contributors (alphabetic order): Fargier, R., Kokkinis-Ntrenis, N., Laganaro, M., Nerima, N., Proios, D., Wang, G.
