Teaching activities

en français


Université Côte d’Azur, Institute Neuromod


« The neuron », « The synapse » (6h) Bootcamp Master level

“Cognitive neuroscience of language” (as part of course “Language”, 15h) Master level

"Language networks and learning" (6h Master NPC)


« Scientific communication » (10h) Master level

University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Workshop IDEA on EEG (2h)


“Perceptual development”, Bachelor level, Special Education (2h)

“The brain”, Master level, Special education (4h)


Spring 2022

University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences


 “Executive functions and learning”, Bachelor level, Special Education (2h)

Seminars leader

“Innovation and Counselling”, Master level, Education/Special Education (14h + grading) 

Grading 1 Master thesis


Fall 2021

University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Lectures (digital teaching)

“Perceptual development”, Bachelor level, Special Education (2h)

“The brain”, Master level, Special Education (3h) – Responsible program/material/teaching

“Inclusion in a neurobiological developmental theoretical perspective”, Master level, Special Education (2h) – Responsible program/material/teaching


Guest lecturer “EEG/ERPs recordings and analyses”

IBRO-APRC Georgian Associate School of Neuroscience

Invited to teach 1 lecture (3h), digital teaching

Spring 2021

Invited lecture Theoretical introduction: the lexicon across the lifespan

University of Geneva Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Continuity education in speech therapyLexicon and semantics”– 130 participants


Spring 2021

Lecturer “EEG/ERPs recordings and analyses: A multifaceted approach to EEG signal processing”

ScienceBeam, 48 students

Responsibilities: Creation of content and teaching of 6 courses (12h) for academics (2/3 students), international online teaching

Fall 2017

Workshop “EEG/ERPs”

University of Geneva, 18th annual conference Science of Aphasia, 3h– 20 participants

Responsibilities: Creation of content and teaching of two hands-on sessions on EEG signal processing: 1. Recordings and pre-analyses (begginers), 2. From waveforms to microstates (advanced)

Spring 2017

Lecturer “Neuroscience of langage” (Master Neuroscience, Psychology)

University of Geneva, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

13 sessions (26 hrs), 3 ECTS – 7 students

Responsibilities: Co-development of the content and teaching 12 lectures and 1 hands-on session; Organization of a neurolinguistic experiment/student; evaluation of two assignments

Current knowledge in processes involved in language and their underlying neural substrates. Emphasis was given on experimental neuroimaging methods and their contribution to theoretical models of language processing.


Guest interventions "Report of experiments conducted in the Psycholinguistics group", Bachelor Psychology B2/B3 (2hrs)

University of Geneva, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Students supervision

PhD students: Contribution to data collection, Methodological/Analyses guidance, Guidance of manuscripts writing

MSc students: Tutelage and pedagogical leadership, Research elaboration, Guidance, Final evaluation of master thesis 

2022-2023: MSc students: Emeline Manka, Lucas Goupil, Lucas Soury, Université Côte d'Azur

2021-2022: MA students: Melissa Mimbela, Hakan Bayar, University of Oslo

2016-2020: PhD students (advisor Pr. Laganaro): Giulia Krethlow, Tanja Atanasova, University of Geneva

2016-2018: MSc Neuroscience (co-supervision Pr. Laganaro): Tanja Atanasova, University of Geneva

2014-2018: PhD students (advisor Pr. Laganaro): Grégoire Python, University of Geneva

2014-2016: MSc students (co-supervision Pr. Laganaro): Giulia Krethlow & Madeleine Koechlin(Speech Therapy); Capucine du Peloux (Neuroscience), University of Geneva

2010-2011: MSc Neuroscience: Lucie Ravella (co-supervision Dr. Paulignan); Ouazna Habchi(co-supervision Dr. Nazir), University of Lyon1

Local administrative activities


Member selection committee NeuroMod PhD fellowships

Member and co-organizer of 2nd year MSc internships reports committees

Member and co-organize of 1st year MSc internships reports committees

Sept 2018-March 2020

Member of the Council of Direction of the ILCB

Member of the Evaluation committee for the financial support of the ILCB “demandes au fil de l’eau” (FO)

Feb 2014-Dec 2017                                                        

Management of the EEG laboratory of the Psycholinguistics group (FPSE, UniPignon, Geneva)

Management of the laboratory EEG Discussion group/EEG seminars

2018, 2016, 2014                                                           

Defence Jury MSc (8 students, Speech therapy/Neuroscience), FPSE, Geneva    

Jan 2010-Sept 2012                                                       

Representative student at the L2C2 (CNRS UMR 5304, Bron)


International scientific activities


Organization committee Science of Aphasia (18-21 Sept, Nice, France

Organization committee Annual conference NeuroMod (29-30 June), Antibes, France

Organization committee IAREP-SABE (7-10 June), Nice, France

2022 Organization ComPros Workshop on EEG (1 day) ISP, Oslo, Norway

2019 Organization (Invitations, Coordination, Logistics) workshop “Inter-ACT: a workshop on action and communication bridging psycholinguistics and social neuroscience”, LPL, Aix-en-Provence, France

2017 Organizer and Instructor, Workshop EEG/ERPs (1/2 day), 18thannual meeting of Science of Aphasia, Geneva, Switzerland

2016 Volunteer (Logistics) Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland

2015 Organization committee (Organization, Reviewing and Editorial content, Logistics), 8th annual meeting Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP), Lyon, France 

2014 Volunteer (Logistics) International Workshop of Language Production, Geneva, Switzerland

Society memberships                                                    

Neurobiology of Language (SNL) 2009, 2011-2012,2014-

Human Brain Mapping (HBM) 2010, 2016

Individual ad hoc reviewing                                       

for international journals:

Brain and Language, Language Cognition and Neuroscience, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Scientific Reports, PlosONE, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Psycholinguistic research, Cognitive Neurodynamics

for conferences:

Society for the Neurobiology of Language 

for funding agencies