Hi! I am a cognitive neuroscientist, focusing on language.

My research focuses on the neurobiology of language, especially language production, and on semantic competencies.

My main goals are:

*Understanding how word meanings and concepts are represented in the brain

*Determining the properties of the cognitive processes allowing us to learn and produce words

*Characterizing lifespan changes on semantic and language processes

I combine approaches from neuroscience, psychology and linguistics, and notably I use neuroimaging methods that provide windows into neural and cognitive functioning (e.g. HD-EEG).

Currently I hold the Junior Professor Chair of Cognitive Neuroscience at Université Côte d'Azur in Nice (France). I am based at the laboratory Bases, Corpus, Langage [BCL website] and collaborate with the transdisciplinary institute NeuroMod for modeling brain and cognitive systems.

My journey before that:

postdoc at University of Oslo (Norway), Department of Special Needs Education and fellow of the Oslo Special Education and Learning Lab (SPeLL) [2021-2022] [ISP website]

postdoc at Aix-Marseille University (France) and fellow of the Institute of Language, Communication and Brain [ILCB website] [2018-2020]

postdoc at University of Geneva (Switzerland) in the neuropsycholinguistics lab [NPL website] [2014-2017].

I received my PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from University of Lyon (France) 




Raphaël Fargier

Campus SJA3 - MSHS-SE (Room 233)

Université Côte d’Azur

25 Av. François Mitterrand | 06357 Nice