Stories to Die For


R. (Rita) Anne Moore

Looking for something not about vampires and zombies? Set in the old Dungeness School House in Sequim, WA, this book combines history, fantasy, and thrills for youth and adults in a magical place you will never forget.

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Secluded in a mountain cabin during a Wyoming blizzard Josie and Amanda Adams suffer an unspeakable crime. The attacker forces Josie, an FBI agent to watch him sew her stepsister's lips together after attacking her. 

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Someone is killing nannies and their six-year-old blond, blue-eyed boy charges in Phily and Boston, leaving few clues behind. 

Special agent Josie Adams and Lt. Andy Evans partner with the FBI and Boston Police to track down a ruthless felon. Unaware of the connection between her family history and the current cases, Josie is thrown off track and off-guard. 

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A blind teen is used by her mother as a decoy for kidnapping innocent children to satisfy the dream of perpetuating the perfect Aryan race. Her children are pawns in her quest to prove allegiance to White Supremacy. Second only  to her greed for money.

Trapped in a dysfunctional home where abuse and neglect threaten their health and safety, Heaven and a young autistic girl, Tessa, struggle with a plan for escape after the mother's most recent victim dies a tragic death. Limited resources and their health challenge their efforts, leaving them with little hope.

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Midnight McKenzie is a pregnant fifteen-year-old child bride. Confused and frightened, Midnight finds herself standing before the altar with someone she scarcely knows. Or trusts.

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An Appalachian Love Story was written during the 2020 pandemic. Uniquely set in the Appalachian Mountains and culture, the story tells the tale of twin sisters separated at birth growing up in two different worlds. And the complicated family history that separated them. It ends with a cliffhanger and will be followed with an FBI manhunt to find a special young child’s kidnapper.

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“I am especially proud of my seventh book, a non-fiction novella, that explores the relationship between an older woman, a successful professional, and her thirty-three-year-old incarcerated pen pal, Callie. In Moving Toward the Light, A True Story of a Remarkable Friendship, Callie and Ruth tell the story of their friendship. The story highlights the tragedy of domestic abuse and drugs that transformed in the inspiration, motivation and bravery as Callie counts down the days to her release.

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