Shuwen Yue

2016 Catherine J. Randall Premier Award Recipient

Chair of the Randall Premier Award Board of Directors


Ithaca, NY, USA


Current Position

Assistant Professor, Cornell University (2023-Present)

Degrees at UA

Majors: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry

Minors: Mathematics, Computer Based Honors Program

Involvement at UA

Computer-Based Honors Program

University Fellows Experience

Blackburn Institute

XXXI Women's Honorary

Anderson Society

American Chemical Society (President)

Other Prestigious Awards

Francis Robbins Upton Fellowship

Tau Beta Pi Fellowship

Tau Beta Pi Scholarship

Alexander Stanton Undergraduate Research Award

Dr. Charles L. Seebeck Endowed Scholarship

Degrees After UA

Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Princeton University (2021)

Postdoctoral Associate, MIT (2023)