Lista de publicaciones - Research papers

Research papers (Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, and Elementary Number Theory) Undergraduate student co-author indicated by an ∗ .
List of select papers. For complete list see Scopus and Google Scholar 
  • Fibonacci and Catalan paths in a Wall
with J.L. Baril.Discrete Mathematics, 348 (2025), 114268. (web, pdf)
  • Pattern avoidance in weak ascent sequences
with B. Bényi and T. Mansour. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science. 26 (1), PermutationPatterns 2023 (2024), # 2. (web, pdf
  • Restricted bargraphs and unimodal compositions
with R. Flórez and D. Villamizar.  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. 208 (2024). (web, pdf
  • Counting symmetric and asymmetric peaks in Motzkin paths with air pockets
with  J.L. Baril and R. Flórez.The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 89(2) (2024), 323–343. (pdf, web
  • Bijections between directed-column convex polyominoes and restricted compositions
with  J.L. Baril and F. Velandia*.Theoretical Computer Sciences,  Vol. 1003,  (2024), 114626.  (pdf, web)
  • Lattice paths in corridors and cyclic corridors
with R. Flórez, J. González*, M. Matijasevick*, C. Pardo*, L. Simbaqueba*, and F. Velandia*Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, 19 (2),  (2024), 35-55 (pdf, web)
  • Arndt Compositions: A generating functions approach
with  D. Checa*.INTEGERS,  (2024), #A35.  (pdf, web)
  • Symmetries in Dyck paths with air pockets
with  J.L. Baril and R. Flórez.Aequationes Mathematicae,  98 (2024), 1235-1264.  (pdf, web)
  • Consecutive pattern-avoidance in Catalan words according to the last symbol
with  J.L. Baril,  D. Colmenares*, E. Silva*, L. Simbaqueba,  and D. Toquica.RAIRO-Theoretical Informatics and Applications58 (2024).  (pdf, web)
  • Last symbol distribution in pattern avoiding Catalan words
with  J.L. Baril and J.F. González*.Mathematics in Computer Sciences, 18(1) (2024).  (pdf, web)
  • Consecutive patterns in Catalan words and the descent distribution
with A. Rojas-Osorio*.Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 29 (2023). (pdf, web)
  • Descent distribution on Catalan words avoiding ordered pairs of relations
with J.L. Baril.Advances in Applied Mathematics. 149 (2023), 102551. (pdf, web)
  • Enumerating symmetric pyramids in Motzkin paths
with R. Flórez.Ars Mathematica Contemporanea,  23(4)(2023), #P4.06. (web, pdf).
  • Knight's paths towards Catalan numbers
with J.L. Baril.Discrete Mathematics, 346 (2023), 113372. (web)
  • Enumeration of r-smooth words over a finite alphabet
with T. Mansour and D. VillamizarDiscrete Mathematics Letters. (11) (2023), 68-75. (web, pdf)  
  • Set partitions and partitions without singleton blocks of type B
with I. Mező.Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 85(2022), 246-263. (web)
  • A refinement of Dyck paths: A combinatorial approach
with R. Flórez, F. Velandia*,  and D. Villamizar.  Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications. 14(07) (2022). (web
  • Set partitions and non-crossing partitions with ℓ-neighbors and ℓ-isolated elements
with B. Bényi and T. Mansour. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 84(2) (2022), 325–340. (pdf, web
  • Symmetric and asymmetric peaks in compositions
with T. Mansour and A. Moreno. Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, 17 (2022), #05. (web, pdf)
  • Partition lattice with limited block sizes
with J. B. Caicedo and I. Mező.Graphs and Combinatorics, 38(2022), #146. (web)
  • Avoiding a pair of patterns in multisets and compositions
with V. Jelínek, T. Mansour, and M. Shattuck.Advances in Applied Mathematics 133 (2022), 102286. (pdf, web)
  • New modular symmetric function and its applications: modular s-Stirling numbers
with B. Abdelghafour, M. Ahmia, and D.  VillamizarBulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,  45 (2022), 1093–1109. (web
  • On q-poly-Bernoulli numbers arising from combinatorial interpretations.
with B. Bényi.Aequationes Mathematicae,  96 (2022), 465–487. (web
  • Equivalence classes of skew Dyck paths module some patterns,
with J.L. Baril and L. Simbaqueba*. INTEGERS, 22 (2022), #A24. (pdf, web)
  • Poly-Cauchy numbers of the second kind - the combinatorics behind
with B. Bényi.Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications,  2(1)(2022), Article #S2R1. (pdf, web)
  • Enumeration of Fuss-skew paths
with T. Mansour.Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, 55 (2022), 125-136. (pdf, web)
  • Palindromic and colored superdiagonal compositions
with J. L. Mantilla* and W. Olaya-León. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 56(2) (2022), 133-143. (pdf, web
  • Statistics on bargraphs of Catalan words
with D. Callan and  T. Mansour.Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 26(2021), 177–196. (web)
  • Enumerations of rational non-decreasing Dyck paths with integer slope
with R. Flórez.Graphs and Combinatorics,  37(2021), 2775–2801. (web)
  • Enumerations on polyominoes determined by Fuss-Catalan words
with T. MansourThe Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 81(3) (2021), 447457. (pdf, web
  • Counting lattice points on bargraphs of Catalan words
with T. Mansour and D. Toquica. Mathematics in Computer Sciences, 15 (2021), 701713. (pdf, wed)
  • A combinatorial approach to the Stirling numbers of the first kind with higher level
with T. Komatsu and D.  Villamizar.Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica Combinatorics, Geometry and Topology. 58 (2021) , 293307 (web)
  • Enumerating symmetric peaks in non-decreasing Dyck paths
with S. Elizalde and  R. Flórez.Ars Mathematica Contemporanea,  21(2021), #1P2.04. (pdf, web)
  • A combinatorial approach to the generalized central factorial numbers
with T. Komatsu and D.  VillamizarMediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 18(192) (2021) 1–14. (web)
  • Counting prefixes of skew Dyck path
with J.L. Baril and L. Simbaqueba*.Journal of Integer Sequences, 24 (2021), Article 21.9.2. (pdf, web)
  • On Ward’s differential calculus, Riordan matrices and Sheffer polynomials
with A. Luzon and M. A. MorónLinear Algebra and its Applications, 610 (2021), 440473. (web)
  • Counting asymmetric weighted pyramids in non-decreasing Dyck paths
with R. Flórez and  L. Junes.The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 79(1) (2021), 123–140. (pdf, web
  • On the r-derangements of type B  
with I. Mező, V. Moll, and D.  Villamizar.Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, 16 (2021), #05. (web, pdf)
  • Enumerating symmetric and asymmetric peaks in Dyck paths
with R. Flórez.Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020). (web)
  • n-Color palindromic compositions with restricted subscripts
with J. Bravo, J. L. Herrera, and M. Shattuck. Proceedings Mathematical Sciencies (Springer). 131(9) (2021), 113. (web)
  • Generalized ordered set partitions,
with B. Bényi and M. Méndez.  The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 77(2) (2020), 157–179. (pdf, arXiv
  • The r-alternating permutations,
with I. MezőAequationes Mathematicae,  94 (2020), 37–57. (web
  • A combinatorial approach to derangement matrix of type B
with I. MezőLinear Algebra and its Applications, 582 (2019), 156-180. (web)
  • Some new restricted n-color composition functions
with J. R. Acosta*,  Y. Caicedo,  J. P. Poveda*, and  M. ShattuckJournal of Integer Sequences, 22 (2019), Article 19.6.4. (web, pdf)
  • Unimodality, linear recurrences and combinatorial properties associated to rays in the generalized Delannoy matrix
with S Amrouche and H. Belbachir. Journal of Difference Equations and Application,  25(8) (2019), 1200-1215. (web).
  • Enumerating several aspects of non-decreasing Dyck paths,
with R. Flórez and L. Junes.Discrete Mathematics, 342 (2019), 3079-3097. (web, pdf)
  • Extensions of set partitions and permutations,
with J. B. Caicedo*, V. Moll, and D.  VillamizarElectronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26(2) (2019), P2.20, 1–12. (web, pdf)
  • Some applications of S-restricted set partitions,
with B. Bényi. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 78 (2019), 110–127. (web, pdf)
  • Restricted r-Stirling numbers and their combinatorial applications,
with B. Bényi, M. Méndez, and  T. Wakhare*.Applied Mathematics and Computation, 348 (2019), 186–205. (web, arXiv)
  • On generalized derangements and some orthogonal polynomials,
with I. Mező and C. Y. Wang. INTEGERS, 19 #A6 (2019), 1-19. (web, pdf
  • Enumerations of peaks and valleys on non-decreasing Dyck paths,
with É. Czabarka, R. Flórez, and L. Junes.Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018), 2789–2807. (web, pdf)
  • Some enumerations on non-decreasing Motzkin paths,
with R. Flórez.The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 72(1) (2018), 138–154. (web, pdf
  • Eulerian numbers associated with arithmetical progressions,
with S. Villamarín* and D.  Villamizar*.Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(1) (2018), P1.48, 1–12. (web, pdf)
  • The r-Bessel and restricted r-Bell numbers
with J.-H. Jung and I. Mező.The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 70(2) (2018), 202–220. (web, pdf)
  • Combinatorial and arithmetical properties of the restricted and associated Bell and factorial numbers,
with V. Moll and D.  Villamizar.Journal of Combinatorics, 9(4) (2018), 693–720. (web, pdf, arXiv)
  • Further results on paths in an n-dimensional cubic lattice,
with R. Flórez and L. JunesJournal of Integer Sequences, 21 (2018), Article 18.1.2. (web, pdf).
  • Generalized Schroder matrix and its combinatorial interpretation,
with V. Sirvent.Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66(2) (2018), 418–433.   (web, pdf
  • Some polynomials associated with the r-Whitney numbers
with C. Corcino, R. Corcino, I. Mező. Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences (Springer), 128(27) (2018), 1-25 (web, pdf).
  • Divisibility properties of the r-Bell numbers and polynomials,
with I. Mező.Journal of Number Theory, 177 (2017), 136–152. (web, pdf)
  • A generalization of the r-Whitney numbers of the second kind
with T. Mansour and M. Shattuck.Journal of Combinatorics, 8(1) (2017), 29–55. (web, pdf).
  • Double parameter recurrences for polynomials in bi-infinite Riordan matrices and some derived identities,
with A. Luzon and M. A. Morón.Linear Algebra and its Applications, 511 (2016), 237–258. (web, pdf)
  • Generalized r-Whitney numbers of the first kind
with M. Shattuck.Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, 46 (2016), 175--193. (pdf)
  •  A (p,q)-analogue of the r-Whitney-Lah Numbers
with M. Shattuck.Journal of Integer Sequences, 19 (2016), Article 16.5.6, 1–21. (web, pdf).
  • Some identities of the r-Whitney Numbers
with I. Mező.Aequationes Mathematicae,  90(2) (2016), 393–406. (web, pdf
  • A generalization of the k-bonacci sequence from Riordan arrays
with V. SirventElectronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(1) (2015), P1.38, 1–20. (web, pdf)
  • The linear algebra of the r-Whitney matrices
with I. Mező.Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 26(3) (2015), 213–225. (web, pdf
  • Applications in enumerative combinatorics of infinite weighted automata and graphs
with R. De Castro and A. Ramírez.Scientific Annals of Computer Science, 24(1) (2014), 137–171. (web, pdf)
  • A generalization of the Fibonacci word fractal and the Fibonacci snowflake,
with R. De Castro and G. RubianoTheoretical Computer Science, 528 (2014), 40–56. (web, pdf, arXiv).
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings 
  • Counting colored tilings on grids and graphs
with  D.  Villamizar.Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 403 (2024), 164-168. Proceedings of the 13th edition of the conference on Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures. Polyominoes and Tilings (GASCom 2024), Bordeaux, France, 24-28th June 2024. (pdf, web)
  • Exterior corners on bargraphs of Motzkin words
with  T. Mansour.Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 403 (2024). Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing SEICCGTC 2021, Boca Raton, USA, March 8-12, Vol 448, (2024). (web)
  • Some connections between restricted Dyck paths, polyominoes, and non-crossing partitions
with   R. Flórez, F. Velandia*, and D.  Villamizar.Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 403 (2024). Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing SEICCGTC 2021, Boca Raton, USA, March 8-12, Vol 448, (2024). (web)
  • Restricted Dyck paths on valleys sequence
with  R. Flórez, T. Mansour, F. Velandia*, and D.  Villamizar.Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 87B (2023) (Special issue for the 9th International Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications).  (pdf, web)
  • Polyominoes and graphs built from Fibonacci words
with S. KirgizovThe Fibonacci Quarterly (Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications, University of Sarajevo July 25 - 29, 2022)  60(5) (2022), 196-211  (web, pdf)