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My name is Beáta Bényi and I am currently Associate Professor at the University of Public Service, Hungary.
Research interests: Discrete mathematics
Enumerative combinatorics: bijective combinatorics, set partitions, poly-Bernoulli numbers, combinatorial identities
B. Bényi, T. Mansour, J. L. Ramírez, Pattern avoidance in weak ascent sequences
José A. Adell, B. Bényi, Probabilistic Stirling numbers and applications, Aequationes mathematicae (2024), web
B. Bényi, S. Nkonkobe, Combinatorial approach of unified Apostol-type polynomials using alpha-distanced words, Discrete Applied Mathematics 344 (2024), 23-31.
B. Bényi, T. Matsusaka, Combinatorial aspects of poly-Bernoulli polynomials and poly-Euler numbers, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 34(3) (2022), 917-939. (web)
B. Bényi, T. Matsusaka, Remarkable relations between the central binomial series, Eulerian polynomials, and poly-Bernoulli numbers , Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 77 (1) (2023), 149-158. (arXiv)
B. Bényi, T. Mansour, J. L. Ramírez, Set partitions and non-crossing partitions with l-neighbors and l-isolated elements, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 84(2) (2022), 325-340. (web)
B. Bényi, A. Claesson, M. Dukes, Weak ascent sequences and related combinatorial structures, European Journal of Combinatorics, 108, 103633 (arXiv, web)
B. Bényi, S. Nkonkobe, M. Shattuck, Unfair distributions counted by the generalized Stirling numbers, Integers 22 (2022), A79.
B. Bényi, T. Matsusaka, Extensions of the combinatorics of poly-Bernoulli numbers (arXiv)
J. Adell, B. Bényi, V. Murali, S. Nkonkobe, Generalized barred preferential arrangements, Transactions on Combinatorics 12(1) (2023), 47-63. (web)
J. Adell, B. Bényi, S. Nkonkobe, On higher order generalized geometric polynomials with shifted parameters, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 46 (2023), 551-567. (web)
B. Bényi, A bijection for the boolean numbers of Ferrers graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 38, 10 (2022), ( web )
A. Ayyer, B. Bényi, Toppling on permutations with an extra chip, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(4) (2021) P4.18 (arXiv, web)
B. Bényi, J. L. Ramírez, On q-poly-Bernoulli numbers arising from combinatorial interpretations, Aequationes mathematicae (2021) (web, arXiv)
B. Bényi, M. Josuat-Vergés, Combinatorial proof of an identity on Genocchi numbers, Journal of Integer Sequences, 24 (2021) A21.7.6, (arXiv, web)
B. Bényi, J. L. Ramírez, Poly-Cauchy numbers of the second kind - the combinatorics behind, Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, 2:1 (2022) #S2R1, (web, arXiv)
B. Bényi, T. Matsusaka, On the combinatorics of symmetrized poly-Bernoulli numbers, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(1) (2021), P 1. 47 (web, arxiv)
B. Bényi, M. Méndez, J. L. Ramírez, Generalized ordered set partitions, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 77(2), (2020), 157-179. (web)
B. Bényi, G. V. Nagy, Lonesum and Gamma-free 01 fillings of Ferrers shapes, European Journal of Combinatorics, 89 (2020), 103180 (arXiv, web)
S. Nkonkobe, B. Bényi, R. B. Corcino, C. B. Corcino, A combinatorial analysis od higher order generalised geometric polynomials: a generalisation of barred preferential arrangements, Discrete Mathematics, 343(3) 2020 (web arXiv )
B. Bényi, D. Yaqubi, Mixed coloured permutations, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci. ) (2020), 130:14. ( arXiv )
B. Bényi, Trigonometric identities via combinatorics, Teaching Mathematics and Computer Sciences 17(1) (2019), 73–91. (web)
S. Barati, B. Bényi, A. Jafarzadeh, D. Yaqubi, Mixed restricted Stirling numbers, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 158(1) (2019), 159–172. (arXiv, web )
B. Bényi, M. Méndez, J. L. Ramírez, T. Wakhare, Restricted r-Stirling numbers and their combinatorial applications, Applied Mathematics and Computation 348 (2019) 185–205. (arXiv, web)
B. Bényi, J. L. Ramírez, Some applications of S-restricted set partitions, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 78(1) (2019) 110–127. ( arXiv, web )
B. Bényi, Restricted lonesum matrices, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 49 (2018) 43–54. ( web )
B. Bényi, P. Hajnal, Poly-Bernoulli Numbers and Eulerian Numbers, Journal of Integer Sequences 21 (2018), A18.6.1. 6. ( web )
B. Bényi, G. V. Nagy, Bijective enumerations of Γ-free 0 − 1 matrices, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 96 (2018), 195-215. (arXiv)
B. Bényi, P. Hajnal, Combinatorial properties of poly-Bernoulli relatives, Integers 17 (2017), A31. (arXiv, web)
B. Bényi, P. Hajnal, Combinatorics of poly-Bernoulli numbers, Studia Scientarium Mathematicarum Hungarica 52(4) (2015), 537-558. ( arXiv, web)
B. Bényi, Inversions in 312-permutations, Creative Mathematics and Informatics 23(2) (2014), 147–152. ( web )
B. Bényi, A simple bijection between 312-avoiding permutations and triangulations, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 94 (2015) 149–155.
B. Bényi, Bijective proofs of the hook formula for rooted trees, Ars Combinatoria 106 (2012) 483–494.
B. Bényi, 3 fa 1 út 2 kör SUGO SZEMLE 1(2) (2014) 70-80.
B. Bényi, P. Hajnal Combinatorics of poly-Bernoulli numbers In: Frank, András; Recski, András; Wiener, Gábor (szerk.) 8th JapaneseHungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Budapest, Magyarország : BME, (2013) pp. 25-32.
B. Bényi, Sokszögek triangulációi és Dyck utak, Kutatások az Eötvös József Főiskolán VI (2006) 173-178.
B. Bényi, Bijective proofs of the hook formula for rooted trees, Tavaszi Szél Konferenciakötet, (2006), Kaposvár
B. Bényi, A bijective proof of the hook formula for rooted trees, Kutatások az Eötvös József Főiskolán V (2005) 263-270.
MSc thesis: Über Abzählung von Polyominoes, Universität Wien, supervisor: Christian Krattenthaler
PhD thesis: Advances in Bijective Combinatorics, University of Szeged, supervisor: Peter Hajnal (abstract)