Rosetta 3.5

Robetta Server.

A python script in order to search popular clusters from the outputs of clustering analysis in Rosetta.

import re

import math

import os

File = open('list.dat', 'r')

os.system("ls *.pdb > list.dat")

l = []

for line in File:

d= re.split('(?<!\d)[,.]|[,.](?!\d)', line)

f = float(d[1])

v = math.modf(f)

d = v[0]

e = len(str(d))

if e ==3:

h =d*10



q = d*100


M = (max(l))

os.system("ls c.*.%g.pdb.pdb" %(M))

Input file for prediction of protein structures using Abinitio approach.

source /RS/progs/rosetta/3.4_gcc_openmpi/ENVARS

mpirun.lsf /RS/progs/rosetta/3.4_gcc_openmpi/bin/AbinitioRelax.mpi.linuxgccrelease \

-database /RS/progs/rosetta/3.4_database \

-in:file:fasta cyto.fasta \

-in:file:frag3 aat000_03_05.200_v1_3 \

-in:file:frag9 aat000_09_05.200_v1_3 \

-abinitio:relax \

-relax:fast \

-abinitio::increase_cycles 10 \

-abinitio::rg_reweight 0.5 \

-abinitio::rsd_wt_helix 0.5 \

-abinitio::rsd_wt_loop 0.5 \

-use_filters true \

-out:file:silent FKRP_silent.out \

-constant_seed \

-jran 1234567 \

-seed_offset 10 \

-nstruct 20000

Input file for clustering analysis in Rosetta.

source /RS/progs/rosetta/3.5_gcc_openmpi/ENVARS

mpirun.lsf /RS/progs/rosetta/3.5_gcc_openmpi/bin/cluster.linuxgccrelease \

-database /RS/progs/rosetta/3.5_database \

-in:file:silent ../FKRP_silent_*.out \

-in:file:fullatom \

-out:file:silent FKRP-cluster.out \

-run:shuffle \

-cluster:radius -1 \


#Script for (re)modelling of the loops

/loopmodel.default.linuxgccrelease \

-database /rosetta_database \

-nstruct 1000 #at least

-loops:input_pdb ../crystal.pdb \

-loops:loop_file ../input.loop \

-loops:remodel perturb_kic \

-loops:refine refine_kic \

-loops.max_kic_build_attempts 100 \

-loops:fix_natsc true \

-loops:neighbor_dist 0.0 \

-loops:relax fastrelax \

-loops:extended \

-ex1 \

-ex2 \

-out:path:pdb ./ \

-out:suffix $i \

-out:file:fullatom \

-out:pdb \

#Script for flexible protein-protein docking

#Step 1


/home/ramin/Downloads/rosetta_2014wk05_bundle/main/source/bin/FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease \

-database /home/ramin/Downloads/rosetta_2014wk05_bundle/main/database \

-s closed-bekm1.pdb \

-native closed-bekm1.pdb \

-receptor_chain A \

-peptide_chain B \

-flexpep_prepack \

-ex1 \

-ex2aro \

#Step 2


mpirun -np 6 /home/ramin/Downloads/rosetta_2014wk05_bundle/main/source/bin/FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease \

-database /home/ramin/Downloads/rosetta_2014wk05_bundle/main/database \

-s closed-bekm1-pre.pdb \

-receptor_chain A \

-peptide_chain B \

-out:file:silent decoys.silent \

-out:file:silent_struct_type binary \

-pep_refine \

-ex1 \

-ex2aro \

-native closed-bekm1-pre.pdb \

-use_input_sc \

-nstruct 20 \

-lowres_preoptimize \