Statistics II

Teaching Guide


Midterm tests dates

Final test date

Some notes on Statistics I 

Website where the free software gretl can be downloaded

Chapter 1

Problem set 1 (with solutions)

Chapter 2 (point estimation and confidence intervals)

Problem set 2 (with solutions Corrected)

First task (Deadeline October 29th) First task solved

Solution to first Midterm

Grades of students not in the student list

Chapter 3

Problem set 3 (with solutions)

Extra exercise about difference of proportions

Chapter 4

Problem set 4 (with solutions)

Exercise 9 Problem set 4

Units 4 and 5 Formulae tables.

Chapter 5

Problem set 5 (with solutions)

Excel file with solutions to Problem set 5

Probability tables (normal, t-student,...)

Past exams (in Spanish)

Activity 2 (Deadline 7th January 2013)

Gretl notes  to do Activity 2

Final exam solutions