
Research Interests:

   Primary: Time Series models, Macroeconometrics.

   Secondary: Nonlinear time series models, estimation and forecasting. Bootstrap resampling processes.

Published Papers:

    Aggegate versus disaggregate information in dynamic factor models

    with Máximo Camacho and Gabriel Pérez-Quirós (2016). International Journal of Forecasting, 32(3), 680-694.

    Inference on filtered and smoothed probabilities in Markov-Switching autoregresive models

    with Máximo Camacho and Manuel Ruiz (2019). Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 37(3), 484-495.


    Growing in the womb: The effect of seismic activity on fetal growth

    with Serafima Chirkova y José Gabriel Romero (2020). Economics & Human Biology, 36, 100815.

Working Papers:

     Inference on filtered and smoothed probabilities in Dynamic Factor Markov-Switching autoregresive models

     Financial Stress Index based on Dynamic Factor Markov-Switching autoregresive models


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