
research profile

Electronic structure

Ph.D. (Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, 2013) graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India, primarily interested in correlated and spin-orbit coupled systems, and low-dimensional and frustrated magnets. Presently engaged in studying a variety of spin-orbit coupled materials, including but not limited to Weyl semimetals, antiferromagnetic topological insulators, and Kitaev-Heisenberg magnets, and different aspects of molecular magnets.

Expertise: Density Functional Theory (DFT) [FPLO and WIEN2k codes], (classical) Monte Carlo simulations, effective Hamiltonian techniques, many-body techniques like mean field analysis, diagrammatics (Green's functions), spin-fluctuation approach, renormalization group, quantum transport (using Kubo-Greenwood formula).

Areas of Interest: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Strongly Correlated Systems, Many-body Quantum Field Theory, Machine Learning, Game Theory .

Research Profile(s):    Google Scholar ResearchGate 

A complete list of publications is also available on arXiv.

Institute Webpage at BIT Mesra, Ranchi, India

Previous research group at IFW Dresden, Germany

PhD Thesis

In my thesis work at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India, I had studied the "Disorder and correlation effects on a honeycomb lattice: Application to graphene".  Specifically, in the first part, I had investigated the finite-frequency conductivity under disorder for graphene. The second part of the thesis dealt with the correlation effects of an antiferromagnetic Néel state on a honeycomb lattice. 

Some remarkable results from the thesis includes:

Read [the full thesis] !

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