Publications and Talks


Articles and book chapters

Single author

Rainsford, Thomas (in press) ‘Historical Phonetics, Phonology, and Orthography’, in Wendy Ayres-Bennett and Mairi McLaughlin (eds) Oxford Handbook of French. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rainsford, Thomas (in press) ‘Proclisis and Enclisis in Early Gallo-Romance: Evidence from Sandhi Phenomena’, in Janice Carruthers, Mairi McLaughlin, and Olivia Walsh (eds) Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to the French Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rainsford, Thomas (2022) ‘Old Gallo-Romance (OGR) Corpus : annotation phonologique et métrique des plus anciens textes gallo-romans’. SHS Web of Conferences 138: 02007. <DOI:10.1051/shsconf/202213802007>.

Rainsford, Thomas (2021) ‘Des accents, ou de l’intonation ? La prosodie au XVIe siècle selon Meigret’ in Véronique Montagne and Cendrine Pagani-Naudet (eds) Actualités de Louis Meigret, humaniste et linguiste (Paris: Garnier), pp. 163-185. <DOI:10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-10414-8.p.0163>.

Rainsford, Thomas (2020) ‘Syllable structure and prosodic words in Early Old French’, Papers in Historical Phonology 5: 63-89. <DOI:10.2218/pihph.5.2020.4433>.

Rainsford, Thomas (2019) ‘De-prefixed spatial Ps in medieval French’ in Ingo Feldhausen, Martin Elsig, Imme Kuchenbrandt, and Mareike Neuhaus (eds) Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 15: Selected Papers from ‘Going Romance’ 30, Frankfurt (Amsterdam: John Benjamins), pp. 278–294. <DOI:10.1075/rllt.15.14rai>.

Rainsford, Thomas (2019) ‘Les Expressions spatiales en français médiéval : particules et formes préfixées en de- in Daniéla Capin, Julie Glikman, Vanessa Obry, and Thierry Revol (eds) Le Français en diachronie : moyen français, segmentation des énoncés, linguistique textuelle (Strasbourg: ELIPhi), pp. 293–313.

Rainsford, Thomas (2014) ‘Sur la disparition de l’enclise en ancien français’, in W. Ayres-Bennett and T. M. Rainsford (eds) L’Histoire du français. État des lieux et perspectives (Paris: Garnier), pp. 21-44. <doi:10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-2986-6.p.0021>

Rainsford, Thomas (2011) ‘Dividing Lines: The Changing Syntax and Prosody of the Mid-Line Break in Medieval French Octosyllabic Verse’, Transactions of the Philological Society 109: 265–283. <doi:10.1111/j.1467-968X.2011.01278.x>.

Rainsford, Thomas (2010) ‘Rhythmic Change in the Medieval Octosyllable and the Development of Group Stress’ in F. Neveu, V. Muni-Toke, T. Klingler, J. Durand, L. Mondada and S. Prévost (eds) Congrès mondial de linguistique française: CMLF 2010 (Paris: Institut de linguistique française), pp. 321–36. <doi:10.1051/cmlf/2010174>

Joint author

Walkden, George, Juhani Klemola, and Thomas Rainsford (2023). An Overview of Contact-Induced Morphosyntactic Changes in Early English’. In S. M. Pons-Sanz and L. Sylvester (eds) Medieval English in a Multilingual Context, Cham: Springer, p. 239–277.

Trips, Carola and Thomas Rainsford (2022). Tolerating Subject Experiencers? Yang’s Tolerance Principle applied to psych verbs under contact in Middle English.’ Journal of Historical Syntax 6(12): 1-43. <>

Guillot, Céline, Alexei Lavrentiev, Thomas Rainsford, Christiane Marchello-Nizia and Serge Heiden (2017) ‘La « philologie numérique » : tentative de définition d’un nouvel objet éditorial’. In R. Trachsler, F. Duval, L. Leonardi (éd.) (2017) Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013). Section 13 : Philologie textuelle et éditoriale (Nancy: ATILF), p. 147–158. <>

Rainsford, Thomas and Olga Scrivner (2014) ‘Metrical annotation for a verse treebank’, in V. Henrich, E. Hinrichs, D. de Kok, P. Osenova, and A. Przepiórkowski (eds) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT13) (Tübingen: Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen), pp. 149–159. 

Rainsford, Thomas and Serge Heiden (2014) ‘Key Node in Context (KNIC) Concordances: Improving usability of an Old French treebank’, SHS Web of Conferences 8: 2707–2718 <doi:10.1051/shsconf/20140801250>

Proto, Teresa and Thomas Rainsford (2013) ‘Dalla tradizione mediolatina a quella volgare: Imitazione metrica nella Sequenza di Santa Eulalia e nel Canto di Ludivico’, Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 22: 54-73. <>

Mazziotta, Nicolas, Beatrice-Barbara Bischof, Julie Glikman et Thomas Rainsford (2012) ‘Ce sujet dans les ‘constructions impersonnelles’ du Roman de Tristan de Béroul’, L’Information grammaticale 132: 48–52. <doi:10.2143/IG.132.0.2152731>

Rainsford, Thomas, Céline Guillot, Alexei Lavrentiev and Sophie Prévost (2012) ‘La Zone préverbale en ancien français : apport de corpus annotés’, SHS Web of Conferences 1: 159–176. <doi:10.1051/shsconf/20120100246>


Rainsford, Thomas (2011) The Emergence of Group Stress in Medieval French, doctoral thesis, University of Cambridge. <doi:10.17863/CAM.16503>

Editions and Corpora

Rainsford, Thomas (2022) Old Gallo-Romance Corpus, version 0.4. Stuttgart: Institut für Linguistik/Romanistik. <>

Rainsford, Thomas and Christiane Marchello-Nizia (2018) Vie de saint Alexis (Lyon: ENS de Lyon). Published on line by the Base de français médiéval, <>.

Edited Volumes

Ayres-Bennett, Wendy, Anne Carlier, Julie Glikman, Thomas Rainsford, Gilles Siouffi and Carine Skupien Dekens (eds) (2018) Nouvelles voies d’accès au changement linguistique (Paris: Classiques Garnier). <doi:10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-06946-1>

Ayres-Bennett, Wendy and Thomas Rainsford (eds) (2014) L’Histoire du français. État des lieux et perspectives (Paris: Classiques Garnier).<doi:10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-2986-6>

Selected Talks

I list below a selection of talks on topics not (yet) covered in any of my publications. All linked PDF files are © T. M. Rainsford and named co-authors and are distributed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).

Rainsford, Thomas (2023) ‘The non-salience of the prosodic word and the development of group stress in French’, Ursachen und Wirkungen von Salienz in Variation, Kontakt und Wandel Sektion 5 beim 38. Romanistentag, 24.-27.09.2023, Leipzig. [Slides PDF]

Rainsford, Thomas (2023) ‘L’accent tonique en français préclassique selon le témoignage des grammairiens’, Colloque de la SIDF, Munich, 22-24 March 2023. [Slides] [Handout]

Rainsford, Thomas (2014) ‘La survie improbable des pronoms assyllabiques enclitiques dans l’occitan du Béarn’, XIen Congrès Internacionala d’Estudis Occitans, Lerida, 16-21 June 2014.

Rainsford, Thomas (2014) ‘L’origine française de la versification anglo-normande et les conséquences pour la prosodie historique du français’, 2e colloque de la SIDF : L’Histoire du français : nouvelles approches, nouveaux terrains, nouveaux traitements, Cambridge, 6–8 janvier 2014. [Slides PDF]

Rainsford, Thomas (2014) ‘Asyllabic coda pronouns in the dialect of Béarn: a surprising survivor?’, 41st annual Romance Linguistics Seminar, Cambridge, 3–4 January 2014. [Slides PDF]

Rainsford, Thomas (2013) ‘The reanalyses of enclisis in Medieval French and Occitan’, Romance Linguistics Seminar, University of Oxford, 24 January 2013. [Handout PDF]

Proto, Teresa and Thomas Rainsford (2013) ‘Metrical “continuum” in the Sequence of Saint Eulalia, the Ludwigslied and the Latin texts of the Valenciennes manuscript’, Poetics of Multilingualism, Eötvös Lörand University, Budapest, 4-6 April 2013. [Slides PDF]

Glikman, Julie and Thomas Rainsford (2012) ‘CE objet ou attribut : Étude diachronique’, Diachro VI, KU Leuven, 17–19 October 2012. [Slides PDF]