Global Grant on Treatment and Prevention of Heroïn Addicts (GG1743408)

Rotary Club Binghamton D7170 Upstate NY (Host Partner) and Rotary Club of Tijuana Oeste (International Partner) have organised a global grant on treatment and prevention of Heroïn addicts in the Upstate NY region.

District 7170 created in cooperation with clubs of the district a global grant that addresses the critical aspects of the opioid problem that has infected its communities. It is joining area agencies to educate its young people about the dangers of drug abuse, support an ambulatory detox center, create a media campaign targeted to those at most risk and provide transportation for treatment for addicts in rural areas.

Contact: Rc Binghamton PDG Lana Rouff:

Approved proposal

GG 7170 160820.pdf

Examples flyers

Update September 2018

Flyer for 918 zone mtg final 2.pdf

Final Report

Final report.pdf