Bringing Together Interesting Local Rotary Projects

Active in the Prevention of Substance Abuse and Addiction

'Gat in de haag', Rc Maldegem, District 2130, Belgium: the club made a book and working material for schools, contact: Yvan De Baerdemaecker,

The Good Behaviour Game

An approach to classroom management in primary schools with impacts not just on children's behaviour in school, but also long-term effects on their life chances, such as reducing criminality, drug and alcohol dependence, health and family problems and more.

'Topspel', Rc Maldegem, District 2130, Belgium: the club introduced the Good Behaviour game in the local schools, contact: Yvan De Baerdemaecker,


To provide young people in youth organisations and groups with correct information on alcohol and other drugs. The youth leaders learn how to organise prevention activities for their members and are being trained to prepare a policy plan for their own group... Read more...

Bradford Schools Drug Prevention Initiative

The aim of the Initiative is to motivate, reward and award schools which positively address the issues of drug, tobacco and alcohol misuse. Read more...

We only promote Data Driven Programmes.
If your club / district is engaged in addiction prevention programmes, please send us the project information and the contact person for your club. Contact: