
Research interests: Random polynomials, random matrices, Coulomb gases.

Articles and preprints:

1) Butez, R. (2016). Large deviations for the empirical measure of random polynomials: revisit of the Zeitouni-Zelditch theorem. Electronic Journal of Probability, 21.

2) Butez, R., & Zeitouni, O. (2017). Universal large deviations for Kac polynomials. Electronic Communications in Probability, 22.

3) Butez, R. (2016). Large deviations principle for biorthogonal ensembles and variational formulation for the Dykema-Haagerup distribution. Electronic Communications in Probability, 22.

4) Butez, R. (2018). The largest root of random Kac polynomials is heavy tailed. Electronic Communications in Probability, 23.

5) Butez, R., & García-Zelada, D. Extremal particles of two-dimensional Coulomb gases and random polynomials on a positive background (November 2018: preprint Arxiv, accepted in Annals of Applied Probability)

6) Augeri, F. & Butez, R. & Zeitouni O. A CLT for the characteristic polynomial of random Jacobi matrices, and the GβE (September 2020, Arxiv)

7) Butez R, García-Zelada, D., Nishry, A., Wennman, A., Universality for outliers in weakly confined Coulomb-type systems arXiv:2104.03959

8) Chambefort M., Butez R., Chautru E., Clémençon S. Improving the quality control of seismic data through active learning arXiv:2201.06616

Thesis: Random polynomials, Coulomb gases and random matrices.

The introduction is in French, the other chapters are in English.

Talk at the "Seminario de Probabilidades de Chile" 28/04/2021 (YouTube link):

Universality of the outliers in weakly confined Coulomb gases in dimension 2