QEV3Bot Physical

Download build instructions and 3-D models here.

Click on the desired file below, then in the Google Drive window that opens, click the small "Download" button that appears in the upper right of that window.

The BOM file contains a complete parts list (only a couple of extra pins and pegs are not already included as part of the EV3 Educational kit -- About The Bot). The Build Instructions are modular step-by-step instructions for building and assembling a complete Bot. The Jackstands document explains how to use the integrated jackstands for raising the Bot's drive wheels off the driving surface.

3-D model files are provided for both Lego LDD and LDraw in the zip files below. You can view realistically-lit models of the QEV3Bot in either the open-source LDView tool (available at www.ldraw.org), OR in the free Lego Digital Designer (LDD) tool (available at www.ldd.lego.com). Unzip the corresponding LDrawModels.zip or LDDModels.zip file to a directory of your choosing for viewing.

The LDD model contains only abstract representations of the robot's cabling, whereas the LDView model contains realistic synthesized cables (produced with the associated LSynth tool). You do not need to install LSynth when you install LDView; instead simply add the extra parts files found in contained file LDraw_LSynth_ExtraParts.zip to the appropriate directory (as described in the README.txt file inside that zip).