QEV3BotSimV1.6.0 Released

Post date: Jan 18, 2017 4:29:38 PM

A newer Simulator version is now available for download on the QEV3Bot Simulator page:

Bug Fixes:

As detailed under the Help menu and in the Full help file.

New Features:

1) RunTill command for variable-write watchpoint.

2) Edit/Track Variable window (stays open and updates itself during execution).

3) Toolbar display of remaining free local and global EV3 RobotC memory.

4) Modified variable highlighting on execution freeze (to only highlight one if the last instruction wrote to it) -- see Help file for full explanation.

5) EV3Face's Back and Enter buttons now act like those on the actual EV3, so can be conveniently used instead of the toolbar's smaller Reset anmd Run icons.

6) Accelerator keys modified to match the toolbar icons from left-to-right.