Contact Details

Senior Lecturer

School of Economics and Public Policy                                 

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

The University of Adelaide

Level 4, Nexus 10 Tower, 10 Pulteney Street

Adelaide, SA 5005

E-mail: qazi.haque(at)      

Here is a link to my CV

Other links:

IDEAS/RePEc  Google Scholar  LinkedIn  SSRN  ORCiD   CAMA Profile ResearchGate  Adelaide Staff Directory  Adelaide Researcher Profile  

What's New?

June 3, 2024. Updated working paper "Exchange rates, uncovered interest parity, and time-varying Fama regressions"

May 30, 2024. New working paper "On the Reliability of Estimated Taylor Rules for Monetary Policy Analysis"

May 27, 2024. Updated working paper "Superstar Firms and Aggregate Fluctuations"

May 15, 2024. New working paper "Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: Active or Passive?"

April 8, 2024"Revisiting the Macroeconomic Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks" published in the Economic Record.

February 25, 2024"Can We Use High-frequency Yield Data to Better Understand the Effects of Monetary Policy and Its Communication? Yes and No!" published in the Economic Record.

January 1, 2024Promoted to Senior Lecturer at The University of Adelaide

November 16-17, 2023. Co-organized the 31st Australia New Zealand Econometric Study Group Meeting hosted by the School of Economics and Public Policy, The University of Adelaide. Link to the program

October 30, 2023Awarded ARC Discovery Grant on "Implications of Global Economic Forces for Domestic Monetary Policy", with Benjamin Wong (Lead CI), James Morley, and Qingyuan Du

August 2, 2023. "Empirical evidence on the Euler equation for investment in the US" accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Econometrics

Past news