Tensor diagrams and cluster combinatorics at punctures, with C. Fraser, Advances in Mathematics, published.
Webs on surfaces, rings of invariants, and clusters, with S. Fomin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published.
Tensor diagrams and cluster algebras, with S. Fomin, Advances in Mathematics, published.
Zamolodchikov phenomena.
Quivers with additive labelings: classification and algebraic entropy, with P.Galashin, Documenta Mathematica, published.
Quivers with subadditive labelings: classification and integrability, with P.Galashin, Mathematische Zeitschrift, published.
The classification of Zamolodchikov periodic quivers, with P.Galashin, American Journal of Mathematics, published.
Zamolodchikov integrability via rings of invariants, Journal of Integrable Systems, published.
Linear Laurent phenomenon algebras, with T.Lam, International Mathematical Research Notices, published.
Laurent phenomenon algebras, with T.Lam, Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, published.
Kazhdan-Lusztig combinatorics.
Sign insertion and Kazhdan-Lusztig cells of affine symmetric groups, with D.Kim, Algebraic Combinatorics, to appear.
Two-row W-graphs in affine type A, with D.Kim, Advances in Mathematics, published.
Asymptotic Hecke algebras and Lusztig-Vogan bijection via affine matrix-ball construction, with D.Kim, International Mathematical Research Notices, to appear.
Monodromy in Kazhdan-Lusztig cells in affine type A, with M.Chmutov and J.Lewis, Mathematische Annalen, to appear.
Matrix-Ball Construction of affine Robinson-Schensted correspondence, with M.Chmutov and E.Yudovina, Selecta Mathematica, published.
Statistical mechanics.
Ising model and the positive orthogonal Grassmannian, with P.Galashin, Duke Math J, published.
Inverse problem in cylindrical electrical networks, with T.Lam, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, published.
Electrical networks and Lie theory, with T.Lam, Algebra and Number Theory, published.
R-systems, with P.Galashin, Selecta Mathematica, published.
The Berenstein-Kirillov group and cactus groups, with M.Chmutov and M.Glick, Journal of Combinatorial Algebra, published.
Promotion and cyclic sieving via webs, with K.Petersen and B.Rhoades, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, published.
Knots and mutations.
Morsifications and mutations, with S.Fomin, E.Shustin, and D.Thurston, Journal of London Mathematical Society, to appear.
Total positivity.
Linear recurrences for cylindrical networks, with P.Galashin, International Mathematical Research Notices, published.
Total positivity in loop groups II: Chevalley generators, with T.Lam, Transformation Groups, published.
Total positivity in loop groups I: whirls and curls, with T.Lam, Advances in Mathematics, published.
Temperley-Lieb pfaffinants and Schur Q-positivity conjectures, with T.Lam, Advances in Applied Mathematics, published.
Geometric configurations.
Incidences and tilings, with S.Fomin, preprint.
Vector-relation configurations and plabic graphs, with N.Affolter, M.Glick, S.Ramassamy, Selecta Mathematica, to appear.
Y-meshes and generalized pentagram maps, with M.Glick, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, published.
Geometric crystals.
Crystal invariant theory II: pseudo-energies, with B.Brubaker, G.Frieden, T.Scrimshaw, preprint.
Crystal invariant theory I: geometric RSK, with B.Brubaker, G.Frieden, T.Scrimshaw, preprint.
Intrinsic energy is a loop Schur function, with T.Lam, Journal of Combinatorics, published.
Crystals and total positivity on orientable surfaces, with T.Lam, Selecta Mathematica, published.
Affine geometric crystals in unipotent loop groups, with T.Lam, Representation Theory, published.
À la monoïde plaxique.
Noncommutative Schur functions for posets, with J.Blasiak, H.Eriksson, I.Siegl, Selecta Mathematica, to appear.
Robinson-Schensted correspondence for unit interval orders, with D.Kim, Selecta Mathematica, published.
Bumpless pipe dream RSK, growth diagrams, and Schubert structure constants, with D.Huang, Israel J. of Math, to appear.
K-theoretic Poirier-Reutenauer bialgebra, with R.Patrias, Discrete Mathematics, published.
Combinatorics of K-theory.
Puzzles in K-homology of Grassmannians, with J.Yang, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, published.
Dual Filtered Graphs, with R.Patrias, Algebraic Combinatorics, published.
Combinatorial Hopf algebras and K-homology of Grassmanians, with T.Lam, International Mathematical Research Notices, published.
Geometric R-matrices.
On the cluster nature and quantization of geometric R-matrices, with R. Inoue and T.Lam, Publications of the RIMS, published.
Toric networks, geometric R-matrices and generalized discrete Toda lattices, with R. Inoue and T.Lam, Communications in Mathematical Physics, published.
Scaling limit of soliton lengths in a multicolor box-ball system, with J.Lewis, H.Lyu and A.Sen, Forum Math Sigma, to appear.
Soliton cellular automata associated with infinite reduced words, with M.Glick and R.Inoue, Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare D, published.
Discrete solitons in infinite reduced words, with M.Glick, Transformation Groups, published.
Rigged Configurations and Cylindric Loop Schur Functions, with T.Lam and R.Sakamoto, Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare D, published.
Schur positivity.
Temperley-Lieb crystals, with S.Nguyen, preprint.
On products of sl_n characters and support containment, with G.Dobrovolska, Journal of Algebra, published.
Schur positivity and Schur log-concavity, with T.Lam and A.Postnikov, American Journal of Mathematics, published.
Cyclotomic factors of the descent set polynomials, with D.Chebikin, R.Ehrenborg and M.Readdy, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, published.
A non-crossing standard monomial theory, with K.Petersen and D.Speyer, Journal of Algebra, published.
A family of bijections between G-parking functions and spanning trees, with D.Chebikin, Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, published.